When Sin Loses Its Grip Series

From $32.00

This series is a must-have for every believer seeking to live in the best God has to offer. With every message, you will unravel one more thread of the web that holds you back from the life you desire.

(8 Messages)



Most believers never really find a way to conquer sin, so they do the best they can to live a godly life while inwardly struggling with guilt, frustration, shame, and anger. After they have tried all the “religious formulas,” their faith is eroded, and they feel disappointed in God!

Jesus died to free us from sin – not just sinful behavior, but also from feeling like we are not really who He said we are and don’t have what He says we have. It was this very deception that stimulated the delusional thinking that caused Adam, the first man, to fall in the Garden. Adam succumbed to the feeling of lack. He came to believe he did not have all that God said was his. Likewise, Jesus, the second Adam, faced the same struggle on the Mount of Temptation. This challenge to His identity came immediately after hearing God speak and say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Every human being facing temptation is struggling with whether or not he believes he is who God says, has what God says, and can do what God says. In other words, he is dealing with the feeling of lack.

This groundbreaking series will give you the:

  • Truth you need to win your battle over sin
  • Exact place that sin loses all its power over you
  • Reason you feel tempted and what to do about it
  • Connection to the power source
  • Strategies for avoiding temptation
  • New Covenant tools to break the strongholds
  • Keys to resist temptation

This series is a must-have for every believer seeking to live in the best God has to offer. With every message, you will unravel one more thread of the web that holds you back from the life you desire.

(8 Messages)

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