Biblically-Based EFT Heart Physics® Module
From $74.00
In these 24 sessions, you will:
- Discover how EFT works congruently with God’s Word
- Learn the medical and scientific reasons EFT is so effective
- Set yourself free from the pain of the past
- Apply it in your biblical counseling and personal ministry
- Begin to effectively deal with negative thoughts and emotions
- Use it to help your children throw off fear, destructive behavior, and limited thinking
It’s time to leave the pain of the past behind and move on to a great new future!
(13 Messages)
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EFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Training which is proven to be one of the easiest, most effective tools for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or any emotional pain from the past. It has brought an end to the suffering of millions who struggle with emotional torment, fears, phobias, and chronic negative thinking.
Biblically-Based EFT Heart Physics® Module
I have seen Biblically-Based EFT successfully used on people of every nationality who were traumatized by witnessing the slaughter of their children, spouse, or the entire family. After years of tormenting after-effects, many experienced dramatic relief in just minutes.
In these 24 sessions, you will:
- Discover how EFT works congruently with God’s Word
- Learn the medical and scientific reasons EFT is so effective
- Set yourself free from the pain of the past
- Apply it in your biblical counseling and personal ministry
- Begin to effectively deal with negative thoughts and emotions
- Use it to help your children throw off fear, destructive behavior, and limited thinking
It’s time to leave the pain of the past behind and move on to a great new future!
(13 Messages)
Joy olive –
I bought the EFT train8ng as soon as it came out and I have dabbled in it since. I’d seen some results but there was a bit of a reticence. I restarted listening to it, because I’ve worked out that sometimes when there’s a block it’s a hindrance to my healing and who doesn’t need healing in one area or another? My battle has been very physical especially this year! So I have listened to 15 of these and I’d done some tapping along the way. Today I’ve been in a lot of pain, and after listening to number 15 I decided JUST DO IT. SUDs was 10. Feeling like I needed a good dose of pain killer but not wanting to go there I decided to tap. Well to say I was surprised by what bubbled up is an understatement I was blown away. I completely believed that I was unworthy of being loved. Full on not worthy. Words can’t describe how little I have allowed myself to be loved. On the surface I was doing ok. Married (3 times – eat your heart out woman at the well, I excelled you,) however excelling her did nothing to enhance my feeling of self worth. When I tapped and started to cry because I realised I didn’t believe anyone could love me let alone God well a well of rejection got emptied and I now feel my SUDS on this plain is a 1 however for the physical issues it’s still about a 4. I will continue tapping. Thank you for Heart Physics.
Jessica –
I’m just starting this practice. But so far my chronic stress is down after just one session. I feel like and relaxed going into my day. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Lynnette Oehrke –
I had been listening to EFT a couple of days per week for over a year while driving to and from work. I used it occasionally for emotional issues like I had used ‘Put Off Put On’ and Emotion Code.
A couple of months ago, while on vacation, I woke up with extreme lower back pain. My back felt locked. I have had back issues for more than 30 years and had been in debilitating pain once before while on vacation due to a very bad mattress; in addition, I broke my ankle a little over a year ago and have not fully recovered from that. When I woke up this particular morning, I was unable to get any relief from the back pain. The pain was so unbearable that I was unable to breath. I could not lie down, sit or stand without wanting to scream. I typically do not take pain meds so I tried ice and deep breathing. My husband and I began to pray-declaring the promise of healing and asking God for wisdom. I remembered EFT and tried it. I immediately began to weep when I realized that I had believed a lie. My father had polio when he was 3 years old and all my life I saw his pain and his disability. He fell a lot and my brother and I were always sent out of the room so there would not be any attention to it. I am 61 years old and I realized that for most of my life my heart had believed that I would be crippled too! I sent the fear away and began to connect with my healing. I felt calm. Though I believed and expected relief, what I didn’t expect was that in 10 minutes, I would have absolutely NO PAIN!
I am so grateful to God for His wisdom and for the resources that are made available through Dr. Richards and Impact Ministries.
Stephanie McKenzie –
Thank you for your testimony! Praise God!