Isaiah 53:10 tells us it was God who bruised Jesus, He bruised Him with our iniquity and all the consequences we would have deserved.All my life I was taught that the word “stripes” referred to “the beating by the Roman soldiers” It never made sense that those soldiers’ actions had anything to do with my healing. In Hebrew and in Greek the word should be translated as “bruised.” Isaiah 53:10 tells us it was God who bruised Jesus, He bruised Him with our iniquity and all the consequences we would have deserved. Verse 4 says, Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. The words “grief” and ”sorrow” in Hebrew refer to all physical and emotional sickness, disease and pain. Through His suffering we have been delivered from the consequences of our sin and iniquity and through His resurrection we have been delivered from the power of sin.  JOIN ME this week and begin to walk the path of emotional and physical health and healing based on the cross of Christ!