I am being asked about this by people on all sides. I hate to address political issues, but I am hearing Christians express views that are not only unscriptural, but they will harm the very children they desire to help. I am not writing this to change the mind of ideologues, idealists or idiots. I’m writing this for Christians who are actually looking for Biblically-based solutions to a serious problem.

Let me start by explaining one of the biggest civil and social misunderstandings by many Christians. There is a tendency to think walking in love or grace means we have no regard for civil law. In Matthew 5, Jesus made it clear that faith-righteousness, grace and mercy was not a pass to break civil law. In verse 25, Jesus used the issue of debt to say, if you break the civil law you will go to jail, and you should. That doesn’t mean God doesn’t love and forgive you personally, but nowhere does the Bible condone irresponsible or illegal actions. Without civil law you have chaos.

…nowhere does the Bible condone irresponsible or illegal actions. Without civil law you have chaos.

People who come across our border illegally are criminals even if they are good people. They know they’re breaking the law, but they hope to use loopholes to get what they want. I have traveled much of the world and I can assure you, the very countries who send their people to America and criticize us for wanting to stop them will put you in prison if you are caught entering their country illegally. The hypocrisy is disgusting!

The well-being of innocent children is no doubt everyone’s concern, even those who were originally in favor of the current law. But to think solving this problem is as simple as letting children stay with the adults who brought them is naive at best and potentially devastating to the children at worst. Studies have shown that a large percentage of people bringing children across the borders are bringing children who are not actually their own children. Some of these children were kidnapped from their country of origin while others have been kidnapped along the way.

Studies have shown that a large percentage of people bringing children across the borders are bringing children who are not actually their own children.

In many cases, they are children who will be used for human trafficking. Plus, some of these children are being handed over to gangs after the adult brings them into the US. The list of atrocities that have occurred over the last three administrations to these children who were brought across the border by people who were not their parents is pretty long and horrific. DNA testing has often proven that the children were no relation to the adult who accompanied them. Large numbers of underage teenagers that come across the border are being coerced by drug smugglers; they are forced into gangs and used as “mules” to carry drugs across the borders. The main people really whining in the current scenario are the human traffickers, drug smugglers and pedophiles.

I am not saying that the current situation is acceptable. In fact, I’ve never heard a single Christian say it was. But I have heard many Christians say the solutions that are being offered are not OK. So if you’re hoping to find a solution as a Christian, the Bible, not your subjective feelings of compassion, has to be the standard. Some would say: God is love so let’s just do the humane thing. While those who hold this position are, no doubt, well intentioned, they do not have the actual facts. Sadly, their simplistic solutions may harm more children than it will help. These simplistic solutions to incredibly complex problems will result in tens of thousands of children being used in sex and drug trafficking.

if you’re hoping to find a solution as a Christian, the Bible, not your subjective feelings of compassion, has to be the standard.

Sadly, politicians and media have made this a political problem, for which they do not want a solution. If our president didn’t uphold the law he would be excoriated by the media, but if he does uphold the law he will face the same fate. All the passionately expressed concern by Washington and the press is so hypocritical.  No one was outraged about this when Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama enforced these laws. In fact, Obama publicly stated several times that he had to enforce these laws; as president he had no choice. Reports show that the abuses were much worse during the Bush and Obama eras than now.

The photos being circulated of children in cages and other deplorable situations were not taken during this administration. All the facilities I’ve seen today are nicer and more comfortable than one would expect. Even if the facilities were complete “dumps” it would probably be much better conditions than what they left behind!

These kids wouldn’t be here if they were not being used by the left. Why is no one in the media enraged at the organizations actually encouraging what ends up being kidnapping, human trafficking and illegally entering the US? They encourage people to make the harrowing journey across Central America. They let them know that the likelihood of getting into the US is greatly enhanced if they bring a child. As previously stated, this has resulted in an incredible number of children being kidnapped and never seeing their family again. These organizations teach them how to be law breakers and take advantage of system.  Even though they may be good people, they come here to break the law and take advantage of our country.

The photos being circulated of children in cages and other deplorable situations were not taken during this administration.

Why is no one in the media enraged at the organizations actually encouraging what ends up being kidnapping, human trafficking and illegally entering the US?

If we were simply dealing with compassionate politicians, these types of problems would be solved in days. But we’re not. We are dealing with a corrupt political system that is working an Antichrist agenda that has already brought about the deaths of millions of people worldwide, and millions more will die. But they feel justified because it’s all for the cause: a godless Utopia, an elitist society led by the enlightened, who rejects God, morals and values. They are willing use the children as pawns, and let the human-race around the world pay any price to fulfill their agenda.

We know the elitists, both Republican and Democrat, who are for big government, actually want a one-world government. To bring that about they need open borders, no national identity and a country full of uneducated, desperate people who become totally dependent on the government. Globalist politicians created this border problem, and in fact, every problem in our country was created by politicians. They don’t want the problem solved; they want to use human suffering for political advantage.

Christians in America are doing exactly what Christians did in Nazi Germany when they succumbed to Nazi propaganda produced by the elitists. They helped bring to power one of the most evil dictators the world has ever witnessed. Maybe before you campaign for simplistic solutions you might want to get a factual grasp of the issues.

Trump signed an executive order to temporarily solve this problem. But this will not satisfy the Elitist Democrats or Republicans. The next move will be to protest children and parents being incarcerated together. So where will this stop? Will this mean that we eventually can no longer incarcerate any criminals because to do so would separate them from their children?


We are dealing with a corrupt political system that is working an Antichrist agenda that has already brought about the deaths of millions of people worldwide, and millions more will die.

To bring that about they need open borders, no national identity and a country full of uneducated, desperate people who become totally dependent on the government.

What would Jesus really do? If He were here today He would probably do the same thing He did before. He didn’t try to change the world through government policies. He was preaching under the shadow of one of the most corrupt and brutal governments that has ever existed. He maintained the focus of changing the world by changing hearts.  If the church had a fraction of passion to make disciples unto Jesus as they do for their political party we could solve all our country’s problems. Yes! Lets’ do what we can to get good laws passed. But remember, the day we stop violating our Constitution by ending the open border policy will be the day that none of these border atrocities can occur. The problem is complex, the solution is simple. Do away with the ridiculous laws that make it impossible to actually have law and order. Let your voice be heard… get your representatives to deal with the real issues and end open-border policies.