God loves man because it is His nature to love, God is love!If we believe legalistic theology, we would believe God is a sociopath; if we believe pop theology, we would believe God is codependent! God loves man because it is His nature to love, God is love! The nature of God’s love is relational. In other words, if God’s love fulfills its goal it will heal our hearts and make us capable of loving Him and people! He gives to meet the need in us! Codependent love, given to meet a need in the giver who becomes enraged when their gift of love doesn’t produce the desired response, isn’t actually a gift. It was never a gift; it was a payment, bribe, or manipulation! God doesn’t stop loving us or begin to punish us for not loving Him. He loves because that is His nature and we have the opportunity to share in His incredible healing love. Since all He offers is relational, there are so many benefits that are simply not available to those who choose to ignore or take advantage of His love. JOIN ME this week and discover the truth about unconditional love and how it can be the source of wholeness for which you‘ve been searching!