Quote for Blog - 052516In these days of television, internet and big production it’s easy to follow someone who turns out to be so much less than they present themselves to be. Too often the gap between their pulpit persona and their real persona is as broad as the Grand Canyon.

Dr. Paul Yonggi Cho tells a colorful story about his wife demanding they move their entire family to live in the pulpit. When quizzed about such a ludicrous request she explained, “At home you are devil, in pulpit you are angel.”

The Bible tells us to be followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. The promises are not how large your viewing audience or  how massive your budget is; in fact, it has little to do with one’s ministry at all. The promises are those things offered to us that determine our quality of life in Jesus.

Love is the most definitive measurement of maturity and spirituality. Follow people who make others feel loved. Follow those who operate in both faith and patience and those who don’t waver in the face of obstacles but calmly walk the path of life.

Before deciding whom to follow one might first decide what kind of character you want. If you want to be a person of Faith and Patience join me this week in Impact CyberChurch.

Once we’ve decided who we want to be we can find someone like that and learn from them. But ultimately, it will be the Word of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit that will mold our character.

Check out Miraculous Probabilities: The Science of Faith and allow the Word you hear to develop your faith. Then invite the Holy Spirit to develop your patience and you will always receive the promise!