3. A Covenant Of The Heart

Since everything in life stems from what happens in our hearts, the beliefs we form about God ultimately determine the sum total of our life experience.

God’s covenant with Jesus is a covenant of the heart—upheld by His Name and His Word, establishing what we can expect from Him. Until we’re fully persuaded by who He is and what He’s said, we’ll struggle to make the covenant work. But the real struggle isn’t to make it work; it’s to persuade our hearts to believe that the covenant is as good as God says it is because He’s as good as He says He is!

To the degree we persuade our hearts in the promises of the Kingdom determines the degree of life that we experience (Mk 4:24). The more you establish your heart in who God really is, the more you’ll experience the promise of a life that’s “easy and light” (Mt 11:3).

Audio Podcast
Dr. Jim Richards

Dr. Jim Richards combines spirituality, energy medicine, scientific concepts and human intuition into a philosophical approach that aligns spirit, soul and body, resulting in incredible health, emotional, financial and spiritual breakthroughs. Jim is a life coach, consultant, teacher and motivational trainer. He holds doctorates in Theology, Alternative Medicine and Human Behavior. Dr. Richards is an entrepreneur who has built several successful businesses ranging from contracting to real estate to marketing. As a national best-selling author, Dr. Richards has written several books that have sold several million copies around the world.

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