We fail to meet our goals because what we want conflicts with who we believe we are. Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions they rarely keep. Not only does this create guilt, but it affects our confidence to keep future commitments.  In fact, we actually train ourselves not to keep our goals by repeatedly failing to do so.

We fail to meet our goals because what we want conflicts with who we believe we are.  We may wish to be thin, but we have an overweight mentality. We may want financial freedom, but we have a poverty mentality.  We may desire a better marriage, but we have a victim mentality. No matter what we do, we fail because we cannot rise above our identity and self-image.

God’s way of success always starts inwardly, in the heart. Whenever we attempt to change life-long patterns, we must accept that it’s more than just a habit–it’s what we believe that produces our actions. Start this year off by examining what you believe about you! The best resolution you can make is to daily renew your mind to believe God’s truth about you, then you’ll have the foundation for Godly success with incredible productivity and unimaginable peace!

JOIN ME this week and I’ll show you how to win over discouragement and move on to the life Jesus died to give you!