Quote for Blog 2Our first impulse, thought or feeling when tragedy strikes is one of our best indicators as to what we really believe. It can reveal what we believe about ourselves, about God and about God’s promises. If our first thought is, “I knew something was going to go wrong,” then our heart is not clearly established in the belief that we can always be “the head and never the tail.” If our first thought is something negative about ourselves like, “Nothing ever works out for me.” This can indicate a serious self-worth issue. But if the first thought is, “I must have done something wrong,” or “Why is God letting this happen?” then it is clear your heart is not firmly established in the New Covenant.

If any of these describe you don’t take it as an indictment. Take it as a symptom which has now been properly diagnosed. Now that you have a proper diagnosis you know what to do to solve the problem. Establish your heart in the Covenant of Peace. Understand what it means to be “in Christ.” Persuade your heart that “in Him” you are delivered from the curses and qualified for all of the promises. All that is His is yours. God has made peace with you!

When our first impulse is wrong and we follow it we will move away from God’s promise, provision and protection. To learn more about changing your first impulse click or tap here for more information about my series, The Supernatural Power of Making Decision.

SHOP-imageWhen our first impulse is wrong we believe the person who tells their side of the story first. We trust someone who is convincing without researching the facts and we allow circumstances to determine reality. All of these reflect either low self-worth, not being established in the New Covenant, or not knowing and trusting the character and nature of God. To begin the journey to transforming these beliefs to blessings click or tap to here watch this week’s free online CyberChurch message: Your First Impulse is Life or Death.