A heart that listens to the voice of the Lord has the capability to perceive things from God’s point of view.Our heart has mirrored sensory functions of our physical body. The five senses of the physical body take in data from the physical world which is interpreted by the brain. Our heart interprets data from our body and data from our spirit and interprets both the physical and non-physical world and interprets it.

The function of our eyes is not just the fact that they see, it is the fact that they see and the brain interprets what they see. This is what the Bible calls the flesh or the carnal, i.e.the natural mind. In reality, our eyes and brain render a perception, not a reality. A heart that listens to the voice of the Lord has the capability to perceive things from God’s point of view. It has the capacity to take natural input and interpret it based on God’s perception.

Believers who learn to distinguish the voice of their heart from the thoughts of their mind view, experience and navigate the world differently than those who rely only on the natural man.

JOIN ME this week and discover what this means to our capacity to walk in faith!