The Stress Antidote
8 Messages | From:$32.00
- Stress is the true silent killer! According to some studies 95% of all illnesses are stress-related.
- Major illnesses that lead to death tend to occur after prolonged stress.
- Stress is a significant factor in spontaneous acts of violence: road rage, .explosive outbursts, spousal, and child abuse.
- The continual rise in drug and alcohol, as well as prescription medication addiction, is related to an attempt to manage stress.
- Possibly the number one reason godly, sincere people do not hear the voice of God in their heart is because of stress.
There is only one cure for stress: the peace of God. The peace of God is more than a subjective feeling of tranquility; it is a tranquility that comes as a result of experiencing God’s divine power to meet every need in your life. In fact, the peace of God is closely related to the idea of experiencing Heaven on earth! When we enter into that place of safety and provision in God stress melts away as if we are living in Heaven now!
The Bible describes the way of peace as a path we can walk that makes us immune to the stress of the world. It gives us a confident assurance that manifests as God’s strength. Peace is God’s only remedy for stress…
In this series, you will discover God’s process for living in peace. You will acquire tools that will lead you from stress to peace. There is an accompanying Heart Physics® module which will give you additional meditations to take you even deeper into this path of peace.
Click HERE to view previous messages in this series on Impact TV-Cyber Church
I have just begun to listen to you. I have PTSD. My fiancé has been diagnosed with cancer. My childhood was so bad, I mean as bad as yours except throw in sexual molestation for years, rape and physical abuse. I don’t think I’ve ever been living outside of pure survival. what was my go to…drugs and alcohol. Not illegal but RX . When I first asked Jesus into my life, I thought that was going to fix everything. I went right back into my sinful ways. I went to Church and was told by the pastor’s wife that I was so full of the devil that God couldn’t do anything with me. Another pastor said, God hated Esau form the womb and that’s why children are abused. I have been angry at God for what happened but I know that was not His fault. Now I am so afraid, I live in fear so much, I don’t leave the house if at all possible. It is no one else’s fault. I am not living victoriously. I believe in Jesus. I am no god to anyone this way. How many times can Jesus forgive me. I don’t know what to order form you, where to begin. I finally realize it is no one else’s fault’. It is mine. What series do you suggest first for me and my fiancé who has cancer.’Thank You, Sharon Fraysse
First of all Sharon I am so sorry you have been so lied to about God especially by pastors and leaders of the church. What the pastor’s wife said to you is an outright lie. God is greater than any demonic influence. Jesus cast out over 2000 demons from one man and if you had any at all I’m sure it was less than 2000. However, I don’t believe you are demon possessed, because of your past you have a lot of demonic lies that you believe about yourself and all that happened to you and we can work on getting rid of those. And the pastor who said that God hates some children from the womb does NOT know the Bible and I seriously doubt he is really very familiar with God at all. God is love. He says to each of us He knew us and loved us before He created this world and has fantastic plans for each of us. What happened to you was not His will, but the will of those people who did it to you. Evil is in this world because of man’s choices, not God’s will. God tells us ‘I set before you life and death, choose life.’ He gave us a choice because He didn’t want robots, He wanted individuals. So by asking for help you are choosing life. Since you have been so lied to about God I would suggest you start with the books The Gospel of Peace, Grace the Power to Change, How to Stop the Pain, and Moving Your Invisible Boundaries. Those will give you a good foundation. There are also teaching series that go with each of those books if you learn better from hearing than seeing. These will also help your boyfriend to be healed because he needs to know God loves him and wants him whole and healthy.
You can contact for counseling or to learn about Heart Physics to encourage you on your journey to know God and the life He wants for you.