Please enjoy this incredible testimony from one of our Ultimate Impact members:
“Since beginning this program in August of last year I have a greater awareness of Christ in me, which has changed everything. My confidence has grown exponentially. My boss has really taken notice, as well as the clients I work with. My marriage has gotten better. My 8 year old son wants to take Heart Physics and spend time with Jesus now. People are noticing a huge change in me and I can point them to Jesus! How awesome is that!?!!
I used to be such a high strung, anxious, stressed out, insecure person. Now I am relaxed, peaceful and secure in His love. One of the cool things that happened is, I actually like myself! I actually enjoyed the holidays this year!!!!
I will say, there are times when the temptation comes to give into stress, anxiety and insecurity, but I go into my heart zone and send it all away and put on Christ in me. My confidence has completely shifted from everything else to Christ in me. It is very powerful and works in every area of our lives.
It has been engraved on my heart when any problem arises and I will never forget what Jim said: “Did Jesus conquer this problem in His death, burial and resurrection? Am I in Him?” Yes & Yes! So thankful for this program and this team! The seed you are sowing is reaping a harvest! I am inspired and motivated by His love to do the same for the world around me!”