Regardless of what we say, our character is the voice that speaks loudest and longest. How we live and how we treat people is the message others ultimately believe. Print out this agreement and review it often. It’s designed for your legal protection and the spiritual protection of those you commit to serve.
As a responsible iGroup Leader I agree to:
- Maintain a meaningful, personal relationship with God my Father through the Lord Jesus.
- Maintain a personal life of prayer, Bible study, and personal development.
- Maintain a personal lifestyle that, in no way, brings reproach to the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, this Gospel, or Impact Ministries®.
- Do everything within my means to bring meaningful ministry to my community through iGroups.
- Believe, live, demonstrate, and promote the message of grace, faith-righteousness, peace, and the love of God to all mankind.
- Present this message in a way that is responsible and can, in no way, be used as an excuse for or the promotion of sin.
- Maintain a commitment to the written Word of God as an expression of the Lordship of Jesus.
- Avoid all forms of control, manipulation, abuse, and codependent behavior.
- Use the role of iGroup Leader to serve others and bring benefit to our relationship with God.
- Maintain a professional, ethical relationship with those I serve, and promptly refer them to qualified help when their needs are beyond the scope of my qualifications.
- Avoid claiming (directly or indirectly) professional or ministerial qualifications or quality of services that exceed my qualifications. To avoid making any form of exaggerated ministerial claims.
- Never exploit the ministry for personal gain.
- Handle money and fund raising with the utmost integrity and provide accurate disclosure of all expenditures to the group.
- Perform my responsibilities as an iGroup Leader in accordance with all rules, principles, and agreements with Impact Ministries®.
- To accept all personal responsibility for what occurs in my group ministry and in no way hold Impact Ministries® or any of its staff liable or responsible for my actions.
iGroup Ministry Covenant
The following outlines the iGroup Ministry Covenant. This covenant serves as a contract between Impact Ministries® of Huntsville, Alabama, and the iGroup Facilitator.
Impact Ministries® will make available:
- The book, Effective Small Group Ministry.
- The book, Leadership That Builds People Vol. 1.
- An abundance of resource materials.
- Essential materials: DVDs, CDs, CyberChurch broadcast.
- Regular prayer support.
- Leadership feedback (as much as possible).
In return the iGroup Facilitator agrees to:
- Provide weekly meetings that follow the guidelines for iGroups.
- Encourage participants to join the World Changer Team.
- Study the material.
- Receive a weekly offering for group expenses.
- Join the group in special outreach projects.
- Provide Impact Ministries® with names and contact info of group members.
- Read, sign and abide by the Ethics Agreement for iGroup ministry.
- Fill out and provide a monthly updated iGroup report.
Now What?
- Go to our questionnaire and fill out the form to register your iGroup. As soon as you’ve submitted your form, we will send you an email with information to get you started.