Every aspect of small group ministry revolves around the idea of investment. First and foremost, there’s the personal investment. People who attend small groups are usually looking for more than staring at the back of the head of the person in the next pew. They desire more. That’s why they come to small groups: personal investment!
But we know that those who only invest in themselves become fat! They have to invest in others. The first investment is in the group that’s investing in you. Every regular participant should share the costs. A weekly offering should be received to cover the cost of DVDs, snacks, and other group material.
It doesn’t take a lot of money to provide an iGroup. If five people give as little as $10 each per week this will pay for the cost of new DVD series to be used in the meetings. But even more important than covering the expense is what it does in a person’s heart when they know they’re making an investment in themselves and the group.
Paying It Forward
iGroups are more than meetings; they’re a network of ministry-minded people who’re joining forces to change the way the world sees God. When the iGroup connects to the world vision of Impact Ministries® they’re able to go completely beyond themselves and help us reach the world!
We’re pioneering something new in the Earth. Our capacity to reach the world is totally dependent on those who are having their lives changed by this message. By encouraging people to join our World Changer Team they’re insuring that others will experience this unconditional love of God that they are now experiencing.
The apostle Paul said this to the church at Corinth, I robbed other churches, taking wages from them to minister to you. (2 Cor. 11:8) Most who hear this life-changing message do so because someone else gave to get books published, CD’s sent out, and pay for internet and production fees. The healthy response should be, “I’ll give so others will hear this message. I’ll pay it forward!”
With your help we’ll have the capacity to expand all across America and around the world. We can increase outreach and we really can change the way America and the world sees God!
Investing in Others
When Impact Ministries® is launching a special project iGroups can receive offerings to help. Special projects always require participation from those who believe in the message and have a passion to take it to the world.
Investing in Your Community
Special offerings can be taken for local outreach or humanitarian projects. Small groups can be very effective at influencing their own neighborhood.
Initial Investment
It doesn’t take much to launch your iGroup Ministry. Choose the DVD series or pick a time that you’ll view our online CyberChurch broadcast. I recommend that each person involved in leadership has a personal copy of two books: Leadership That Builds People, Vol.1, and Effective Small Group Ministry. These are both available for order or download in our online store.
If you’re serious about learning to be an effective leader you can take online courses through Impact International school of Ministry. These incredible courses have been used by ministry and business leaders for more than 25 years to equip themselves to live their dreams.