Different people study the Bible for different reasons. For some people prayer, church, giving and Bible reading are like paying premiums on their fire insurance. They think that’s what they have to do to not burn!
Then there are people who are truly seeking God in the Scripture; the problem is they do not go beyond the realm of gathering knowledge. Ironically, knowledge that doesn’t make your life better or knowledge you can’t get to work discourages and damages your faith.
Jesus said, “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life”, (John 5:39-40). Reading the Scriptures is not a replacement for a personal, intimate connection with Jesus. It’s only when those Scriptures motivate us to connect with Him personally that they become life.
JOIN ME this week and discover what it looks like to connect to Jesus in your heart, hear His voice, and have His Word come alive producing the life and wisdom of God!