Godly knowledge of good and evil always leads to life and away from death!
The words good and evil are not merely concepts of sin and righteousness; they more aptly indicate the capacity to determine the outcome of every decision. In the Hebrew, the words evil and wicked present the concept of bending the path, corrupting our consciousness, and bringing us to a turning point. The word for good is the very opposite of evil, meaning pleasant, good, prosperous, pleasing, virtuous, healthy, the right timing, honorable, moral, praiseworthy, and more.
The abandoning of Adam’s faith in the Garden expressed that man no longer desired to know good and evil based on God’s Word and Wisdom. Man’s declaration to God was, “I don’t trust you; I trust me!” God tells us how to have the best in life; our choices and behavior merely reveal the object of our faith—either ourselves or God. If our behavior reveals a lack of trust for God, all we have to do is repent; otherwise, we can never find the doorway into the Kingdom. Our incapability for Kingdom living is not a punishment of God, but rather the result of choosing the way of death because we believe it is the better way to obtain our desires.
When you find yourself standing at a crossroads, choose the way that leads to rest, peace, and harmony with God. If you trust God and His Word you can see the end from the beginning. You may not know all the specifics of how bad or good things will become, but you can know for sure whether the end will be good or bad, i.e., life or death!
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