Just as Jesus’ first coming changed the entire world, His second coming will change the world forever.It is mind-boggling when we realize how many details of Jesus’ birth, life and ministry were perfectly foretold by men who were recognized by all of Israel to be prophets of God! But if we will understand why they didn’t accept Him we can learn a lesson that will guard our heart!

First, the Jews had many dogmatic teachings about the Messiah that were inaccurate. Once we focus on one idea we have a tendency to close our eyes to all other possibilities. The second coming will be much like the first, bringing about the great falling away. So many people are stuck in their theology of the end times they won’t recognize if God does something different. But, even worse, they will reject the possibility that it is God even though it is clearly laid out in Scripture. The key is to have your own ideas, but stay open to other possibilities.

The second factor was probably that they had made up their minds about what they wanted the Messiah to do. They wanted Him to fulfill their desires instead of God’s. Jesus came the first time as a Lamb and that wasn’t what religion wanted. He will come the second time as a Lion and, once again, that’s not what religion wants. When He returns the second time He will come to rule as King for 1000 years.

Just as Jesus’ first coming changed the entire world, His second coming will change the world forever. CLICK HERE to join me this week to discover The Power of the Christmas Story.