Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14), but one of His boldest statements about mankind was spoken in John 17:22. It seems that Jesus uttered these words and they have been hidden ever since. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.
When Jesus left planet earth, He didn’t take the glory of God with Him. He left it behind for the world to see. It is not seen in buildings and cathedrals. It’s not even seen in signs and wonders. No, the glory of God is seen in people. To the degree that we accept who we are in Him, we will show the glory of God to the world!
It is not how big or small your church is, even though a growing church can be a healthy thing. It is not how many people respond to your altar calls, even though you want people to receive ministry. It is not in any number of spiritual activities, either. The glory of God is there because you are modeling what a man or woman full of God looks like!
Sometimes we look at the mega ministries and think they are reaching all the country; the job is being done! One could even come to think that as a small ministry we are insignificant. I think about Joel Osteen’s church when I think of a large church. After all, his is the largest in America. While I don’t know Joel, I vaguely knew his father. The man who built a mega church, the man who was a pioneer in what became the charismatic renewal, the man who has influenced millions of people around the world, always took time for the pastor of the small church. Great leaders recognize the value of every church, large or small. That’s why they take time to invest in every church leader. Great leaders know that all leaders are great!Jesus said we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14), but one of His boldest statements about mankind was spoken in John 17:22. It seems that Jesus uttered these words and they have been hidden ever since. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.
When Jesus left planet earth, He didn’t take the glory of God with Him. He left it behind for the world to see. It is not seen in buildings and cathedrals. It’s not even seen in signs and wonders. No, the glory of God is seen in people. To the degree that we accept who we are in Him, we will show the glory of God to the world!
It is not how big or small your church is, even though a growing church can be a healthy thing. It is not how many people respond to your altar calls, even though you want people to receive ministry. It is not in any number of spiritual activities, either. The glory of God is there because you are modeling what a man or woman full of God looks like!
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Dr. Jim Richards, I want to thank God for you he put me that connection with you through your online ministry and many of your tapes and books that I have purchased. as a pastor of a small domination ministry is having a game changer your sound foundational biblical teaching, have helped me greatly and teaching sound doctrine of the death resurrection of Jesus Christ and who we are in Christ, understanding the concept of faith righteousness was most intriguing life changing deliverance legalism. Again I thank you give all glory to God for your life, blessings upon you and your family in all that you do for the body of Christ