If you’ve heard bad things about God that make Him hard to trust, I want to share some things God has revealed about Himself!Have you ever listened to gossip and decided something about someone that turned out to be untrue? The only way we can know anyone is to get to know them for ourselves!  One of the unique provisions of the New Covenant is this: no one can reveal God to us. Preachers, teachers, sermons and books are more like beautiful paintings that show you our representation of what we have experienced with God. But holding to our representation is not actually holding on to God!  Thankfully, God has left us what the Bible calls “the revealed knowledge of God.” It is this revealed knowledge the Holy Spirit uses to show you who God really is and connect you personally with Him. If you’ve heard bad things about God that make Him hard to trust, I want to share some things God has revealed about Himself! JOIN ME this week and open your heart to the most important way God has ever revealed Himself to the world in a message I call: Wrath Satisfied: Love Revealed! When you see how loving, kind and merciful God really is, you’ll be inspired to new levels of personal love and intimacy!