Quote for Blog - 061716We are all called to a deep level of intimate, loving, trusting, heartfelt communion with God, our Father. In the Old Testament worshippers entered the gates of the tabernacle, went into the Holy Place and the high priest went into the Most Holy Place to connect with God, each providing a greater degree of revelation of God. This does not imply God selectively or arbitrarily gives revelation. God gives revelation to all who will come to Him with a pure, teachable heart.

In the New Covenant the Most Holy Place has been made open through the sacrifice of Jesus. He is the veil through which we pass to come to the most intimate holy place with God. When our trust is in the blood of Jesus the way to His presence and all His resources freely opens to us, and this happens as we trust in our heart.

The heart is the doorway to eternity, i.e. the abode of God. When we meet God in our heart, that is our secret place with Him. That is a place no one else can enter, no one can create for you and no one can take away from you. When we enter into the secret place God reveals Jesus to us. He shows us what is ours, He ministers to us, He comforts us and gives us all the promises of Psalm 91.

Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch and we’ll learn more about Entering into the Secret Place. This will transform your prayer life from dull and boring to alive and exhilarating!