Actually, almost all of the doctrine we have been taught from the book of Job is nonexistent. Job and his friends went through 38 chapters of religious blaming and self-justifying before God ever spoke. When God speaks He asks Job some important questions.
God starts with, Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge, (Job 38:2)? In other words, why are you darkening my counsel, my truth, with all of your words that are not based on the knowledge of God? It’s amazing the amount of words that darken or hide God’s counsel that are used to create religious doctrines designed to convince us it is God’s will for you to suffer!
God then challenges Job’s wisdom for two chapters, showing him that he isn’t wise enough to correct and rebuke God by rejecting His counsel. But then in 40:8, God gets to the heart of Job’s problem and the heart of our problem. Would you indeed annul My judgment? Would you condemn Me that you may be justified? We are willing to condemn God and blame Him for our suffering rather than be wrong.
JOIN ME this week and together we’ll face our fears about God’s extravagant provision, without getting under guilt and condemnation. We’ll discover the secret to wrapping ourselves around God and experience that which seems beyond our faith!