All relationships are dynamic: ever active and ever changing.
When we fall in love our immature dream is that “We stay this way forever!” That is an unwitting wish for destruction. Anything that is alive and not changing for the better is changing for the worse and dying! But it is usually happening in such small degrees we don’t recognize it until it’s too late!
The desired result is a passionate, meaningful relationship!
In relationships, making changes, additions and deletions is never about personal preferences, who’s right or wrong, or ideology; it’s about results, i.e. outcome. We should have no preferences about how we do things as long as: It doesn’t violate our biblically-based values, and it accomplishes the desired results. The desired result is a passionate, meaningful relationship!
All that to say; never get over invested in your own ideas and opinions, how we used to do it, or what worked in the past. None of those motivators have anything to do with love or outcome; they are about fear or ego! The real question is this, “Is what we’re doing today keeping the flame of love burning? Is our love growing and getting deeper?”
The only way to keep a relationship new is to make it new by making the changes and adjustments that meet one another’s needs based on who and where you are today!
Staying in love is an adventure, an ever changing journey, and I want to provide a map to help you find your way! To learn how to make these adjustments and grow more deeply in love, check out this month’s special offer. CLICK HERE to purchase my book, We Still Kiss, and receive a coupon for 50% off your next relationship series! You’ll get all sorts of relationship tools and learn exercises that will make your bond stronger than ever!
Excellent message! ‘We Still Kiss’ book is the best tool and guide-book in how to keep a relationship on track. Thank you for sharing how we can stay in love by growing Dr. Richards!
Thank you Doug. I still use the relationship tools regularly to keep love and romance alive. Blessings, Jim