The Secret of Resurrection Power Revealed Series

From $24.00

The New Covenant wasn’t made with us. God made that Covenant with Jesus. If the Covenant is between God and me, I can break the Covenant or fail to uphold my part of the Covenant, thereby losing all of the benefits. The thing that makes the Covenant sure is that it was made with Jesus.

(6 Messages)



The resurrection of Jesus from the dead was the defining moment of all of reality. It is the foundation upon which all of our faith rests; yet, it is one of the areas we most limit the truth.

Jesus died a sinner’s death. He literally became the sins of the world. When Jesus cried out, “My God, why have you forsaken me,” He wasn’t merely quoting Scripture. He was experiencing rejection from God – the rejection to which our sin doomed us. He has taken every step ahead of us, paved the road that we should walk, showed us the power that works in us – as the absolute model.

The New Covenant wasn’t made with us. God made that Covenant with Jesus. If the Covenant is between God and me, I can break the Covenant or fail to uphold my part of the Covenant, thereby losing all of the benefits. The thing that makes the Covenant sure is that it was made with Jesus. He fulfilled the requirements, and since He died and was raised in righteousness, it cannot be altered or changed.

  • Gain a revelation of resurrection power in YOU.
  • Come to realize the quality of life you can live in Jesus.
  • Discover the secret to partaking in every part of the Covenant.
  • Experience the same eternal resurrection power that Jesus is experiencing.
  • Allow the power that sustains Jesus on the throne to be the power that sustains you in this life.

Colossians 1:27: “Christ in you is the hope of glory.”

(6 Messages)

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