Everything About Love Series


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Managing, developing, and nurturing our most intimate relationship is of the utmost importance. Whether you’re married, single, divorced, planning to get married, or a marriage counselor, Everything About Love will help you acquire tools and discover truths that make it possible for you to have a happy, healthy,
life-giving relationship.

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There is nothing outside of your relationship with God that will affect your life and destiny more than your marriage. It’s sad to say, but most believers will be more affected by their marriage than by the Lord Jesus! More people will miss their destiny because of a chaotic personal relationship than possibly any other reason! So it stands to reason this should be an area that we continually nurture.

We are social, emotional, relationship-oriented beings; therefore, we are greatly susceptible to the people in our environments, especially those with whom we have deep emotional, loving, and/or sexual connections. Some studies have shown that when two people connect emotionally their brainwaves begin to show up in the other person. In other words, every minute of every day we are being influenced by the people in our world. This is why God’s Word gives us such strong warnings about the people with whom we choose to fellowship, i.e., share our life.

Then there is the simple factor of how our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even our self-worth are affected by the quality of our relationships. Since love is an issue of the heart, and the heart greatly affects our sense of identity, we have to consider the very real possibility that our sense of identity, or how we see ourselves, could be drastically affected by how those we love see us!

The Bible says we become one body with a person with whom we have sexual relations. (1 Cor. 6:16) This word “body” can mean “a group becoming one society, social or ethical group, or the creating of a mystical bond.” For example, we being many are one body in Christ. (Rom. 12:5) When we become one body, it has the ability to influence our beliefs, values, and direction of our life!

This all means that managing, developing, and nurturing our most intimate relationship is of the utmost importance. Whether you’re married, single, divorced, planning to get married, or a marriage counselor, Everything About Love will help you acquire tools and discover truths that make it possible for you to have a happy, healthy, life-giving relationship.

Free bonus download: 10 Messages!

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