A Country In Crisis: Finding God’s Solutions Series
From $16.00
Our country is in crisis, and on that, everyone of all faiths and political persuasions can agree… but God has solutions. The Church must “recover sight” and return to God as its Source.
(4 Messages)
Our country is in crisis, and on that, everyone of all faiths and political persuasions can agree. Our country is consumed with moral decay. Taxes are sky-rocketing beyond any reasonable bounds. In the past, middle-Americans lost their homes while heads of mortgage or banking companies received multi-million dollar bonuses as part of the bail-outs paid for by the very people who lost their homes. Politicians continue to be indicted and jailed for every conceivable crime, and despite our greatest political effort, nothing is turning the tide!
Everyone fighting for their political party seems to overlook the obvious. No matter which party is in office, corruption is rampant and neither has stopped us from the descent into destitution. The Church seems to have unintentionally shifted its hope for the future of our country from its biblical mission to a political effort. Thousands of years ago, God warned of governmental abuse. He told the prophet, Samuel, that the nation placing their hope in a king was tantamount to the rejection of God!
God has solutions. The Church must “recover sight” and return to God as its Source. This fantastic four-message series will open your eyes to some incredible biblical realities:
- Commitment to a political party is a work of the flesh.
- No political party has all the answers.
- Nearly every political party and president since Jimmy Carter has contributed to the current economic downfall.
- Every political party is driving America toward a “New World Order.”
- The Kingdom of God is more powerful than any political power.
- God’s plan promotes peace and harmony among men. A political agenda promotes strife, excess, and chaos.
- The most sweeping human rights reform was brought about by the Church, not the government.
- Good laws cannot make good government.
- The Church is always the best or worst influence on government reform.
- Attempting to legislate righteousness gives rise to more sin and corruption.
- You have more power than any political figure.
We can change our country and our world, but we cannot do it by political means. Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight” (John 18:36).
(4 Messages)
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