World Changers

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November 2015 World Changer Letter

This morning I’m sitting in a hospital waiting room because my oldest daughter is having surgery. While it isn’t a pleasant experience, I have a secret weapon that few others in this room have. I have the voice of God in my heart. I’m at complete peace because in my heart I know the outcome. I’m completely convinced that in every situation, if we’re willing to follow God instead of attempting to make Him follow us, we can always know the end from the beginning.

As I look around the room at people who are sad, suffering, or concerned for a loved one, I wonder how they actually make it from day to day without the peace, comfort and leadership of the Lord. I’m facing a bad situation knowing the outcome. And if the outcome weren’t going to be good I could still have peace in my heart because the same Spirit that leads me into all truth comforts me when that truth is not as pleasant as I’d hope. My heart aches for this hurting world and because of you and your help we’re bringing hope to people around the world every day. Bringing people out of darkness and into light isn’t just getting them out of sin; it’s getting them out of that unknown realm into the realm where we have the choice of the Holy Spirit making the crooked path straight and the rough places smooth. We have a light for the path!

It’s no wonder the entire world is on fire with rebellion and rage. All those angry people don’t have what we have: Christ in our hearts, leading, protecting and comforting. I can’t imagine how I’d endure this world if I were unable to hear the voice of God and feel His comfort in times of trouble. Can you imagine facing life without Jesus? Just think of losing your loved ones without the hope of being reunited! No wonder people are using drugs, sex and alcohol to anesthetize the pain and no wonder they’re angry! They want to hurt others because they are hurting!

The world desperately needs for us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-14). They’ve never seen God. In fact, they can’t see God, but they can see us and they believe in the God we show them. We are the Bible they’re reading and the sermon they’re hearing – not because we preach to them but because of how we live and manage the challenges of life.

We don’t need to judge or condemn the world, the Religionists have done that for the past 2000 years and it has only made them angrier by adding to their pain. Like Jesus told the Pharisees, “You load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them” (Luke 11:46, NIV). We don’t need to preach them a sermon until they are ready to hear; we just need to be overcomers who demonstrate what it’s like to know, feel and show the love of God. I thank God for you and the many wonderful, caring pastors and churches that exist today who proclaim the gospel of peace through the way you live!

According to the Apostle Paul, it’s hearing and believing the gospel of peace that causes faith to come alive. Romans 10:15-17 puts it all into context, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” It isn’t just any gospel that causes faith to come alive; it’s specifically the gospel of peace which is based on the covenant of peace that causes people to trust God. But I want you to realize you don’t have to go out and knock on doors, you just have to live the relationship and let them watch. When they ask be ready to share about the love of God expressed first through the cross of Christ and then through your life every day.

I know I’ve said these things hundreds of times, but I want to say them again. I want to always keep them fresh in your mind so they’ll minister to your own heart and flow out to others. The gospel of peace is based on the covenant of peace (Isaiah 54:9-10) God made with the Lord Jesus, established at the resurrection. He poured the wrath for all our sin and transgression on Jesus, thereby delivering us from the curse of the law. When we are in Him we too are delivered from the curse of the law. When He was raised up and conquered sin and death by His faith we became more than conquerors by believing in His victory (Romans 8:37). When He received the inheritance of all God’s promises and eternal life we became joint heirs by believing in Him (Romans 8:17). And when God promised He would never pour His wrath on Him again we were delivered from wrath. Then, the Father promised the covenant of peace would never depart from Him and we share in that peace when we believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and believe what we have as a result of being in Him. When we were born again we were baptized into the body of Christ which means we have from God exactly what He has. But we must do three things: We must choose to give up every aspect of ourselves outside of Christ, put off the old man, and renew our mind. In Ephesians Paul said to, have our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. The word “preparation” means “a readiness of mind which comes from a thorough preparation in the gospel of peace.” When we renew our minds in the gospel of peace we are stable, we have footing (Ephesians 6:10). We become like an elite soldier who when hit from any direction remained on his feet and stable. Our first response to every situation is to trust in our God and His covenant. We never assume that anything bad is from God.

It’s this stance toward life and adversity that makes us a light in the world. We’re people of hope: confident expectation of good things! The Bible tells us that hope is the anchor for our soul (Hebrews 6:19). And when others see the hope that’s in us they want to know how we do it, what is different about us (1 Peter 3:15). Then we can share the gospel of peace with them. They too can enter into this covenant of peace and find hope in times of trouble and darkness. But you notice, they ask us about the hope. Contrary to what Religionists have led us to believe, the most powerful witnessing is what people see in our lives. I’m not talking about a flawless life but a life of hope and peace.
Now, what I’m about to tell you is essential. It’s only in the state of peace that comes from knowing God is good and only good that we’re able to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. He is the Spirit of truth. One important aspect of truth is how to apply God’s Word and wisdom in the current situation. Too often when trouble comes we jump either to panic or straight to a random promise of God about the outcome. We stop listening to the Holy Spirit and we try to force God, by our prayers and faith (dead works when applied in this manner) to give us the outcome we desire.

Personally, I believe the promises of God are always true and I always expect a good outcome. But I also know I need to hear the voice of God so I can follow Him down the path of victory. In that state of peace and hope I open my heart to hear what the Spirit is saying. It’s in this quiet place I receive directions about how to walk out the path before me. I never face a tragedy without warning and preparation. I usually know the outcome before I begin to speak. So, in any situation I can have strength and comfort for any outcome… and so can you!

In my new book, Apocalypse, I point out the number one instruction given by Jesus for every tribulation of life is: hear what the Spirit is saying! This is where I endeavor to lead every person who follows my teaching. I want you to recognize and trust the Spirit of God when He speaks in your heart. The basic components of being a disciple are: 1) Believe the biblical account of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. 2) Surrender to Him as Lord. 3) Accept His interpretation and application of all of God’s Word. 4) Adjust your definition of morality, values, justice and aspects of life to be congruent with God’s Word. 5) Through a life of intimacy develop the capacity to hear and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be making some adjustments to help keep you encouraged in your journey as a disciple. First, we’ll continue our weekly CyberChurch ministry. I invite you to participate every week. Through our app I’ll send you a short, encouraging, daily mentoring message based on the CyberChurch message for that week. I’ll also add many new tools and free downloads to help establish your heart in the life in Christ and I’ll notify you of everything we add.
I want to encourage you to share all the tools and free downloads with as many people as you can. Multiplying this life-giving message to the entire world will not happen through church services or programmed outreaches as much as it will happen by people sharing the things that help them.
I’ll also encourage you to prepare you own personal testimony of God’s love and goodness to share with those who ask why you have hope, why you’re different, or why you’re kind and loving! If you’re uncomfortable leading them in a commitment to Jesus locate Creation to Calvary on my app and when you’ve shared play this video for them and pray with them to receive Jesus as Lord.

And lastly, continue your generous support. All these current and future endeavors cost money. Your giving is an eternal investment in the lives of people and in the Kingdom of God. Without your help none of this would be possible.

Jesus said before the end could come the gospel of the Kingdom had to be preached to the ends of the earth. I don’t know about you, but I’d love for Him to return soon and deliver us from this world. Thank you for joining with me to take this gospel to the ends of the earth!

Together we are changing the way the world sees God!

Grace and Peace,

Jim Richards
PS My new series, The Miraculous Power of Thankfulness, is one of those core messages that alter everything in our life. Be sure to check it out!