This month I am in Hazlehurst, GA with Pastor Brett Roberts and his incredible congregation. Brett was the youth pastor of this church and a few years ago it was passed to him as the senior pastor. At that time he was going through his own personal transition. Religion had burned him out and now his responsibilities were about to expand and the pressure was even greater.
While on a missions trip he cried out to the Lord about his dilemma, and while he didn’t know what happened in him, he changed. In fact, when his wife picked him up at the airport the first thing he told her was, “Honey, I’ve changed. I know you’ll have to see it in me to realize what I’m talking about but, I’m different!” As he began praying, reading, and searching the internet he found our website, read Grace: The Power to Change, and was now armed with the information to understand what God was working in him.
Upon taking over the church as senior pastor his first series from the pulpit was about grace. This was a radical departure from a church that was a “devil chasing- warring- tongue- casting-down strongholds” kind of church. As always there were legalists who fought, stirred up strife, sowed discord, and started rumors as a way to stop what was happening, but they did not prevail.
His mother-in-law was a part of the church and had been active for years. Like all of us, she so wanted God she was willing to try anything that was suggested as a way to fill her hunger for His life and presence. But, unknown to the rest of her family, she too was burned out. She was ready to leave church. She said she could no longer live like the donkey with the carrot dangling in front of her. Brett gave her Grace: The Power to Change and the lights came on for her, as well.
After reading the book she went to our website. While perusing the site she saw the information about Heart Physics. She showed it to her husband and said, “If this will do what it says it will be worth the money.” She ordered it and started making the journey. The impact was so great she passed it on to many of her friends who also began the journey.
As the result of Heart Physics she was able to trust God and follow Him into the fulfillment of some long-time dreams. She has since opened a restaurant and catering business. It had long been her dream to open a business that would provide opportunity for her and her children to work together.
Today the church as a whole is making this journey of following Jesus from their heart. On Sunday nights they have a Bible School using curriculum from Impact International School of Ministry. They are active in missions which now includes starting Bible Schools as part of our Operation One Billion program. They are, for the first time in the history of their church, finding ways to reach out into the community to reach the lost.
Why am I telling you this story? First of all, I want you to know the fruit of your giving! This is not an isolated case; this is happening across the country and around the world. I regularly hear testimonies about pastors reading our books and using our materials to build their churches. For hundreds of preachers every year this becomes the basis of the message they preach. Tired, burned out preachers are being renewed and restored. Congregations that have been beaten up and worn out are finding hope again. Millions of people around the world are falling in love with a God they never knew existed because you have chosen to send this message into the world through the internet, books, CDs, DVDs, television, seminars, and every other available means!
I am reminded of a time back in 1974 in Jacksonville, AL when I was witnessing to a drunk who was tormented by the fact that he was illegitimate. As he sat before me weeping he bemoaned, “I can’t go to Heaven because I was born a bastard!” Growing up as an illegitimate child in a small town can, no doubt, be a humiliating life. But if you throw a little “condemning backwoods religion” into the mix you have shame and condemnation that is greater than anyone can bear. As a result of his shame he had been a drunk all of his life! But he went to church sporadically hoping to find some relief for his shame.
As I shared Jesus with him he wept uncontrollably; then suddenly he stopped. His tears instantly dried and he said in a commanding voice, “Let me see that Bible!” He took it, flipped through the pages, and examined it thoroughly with a puzzled look. I finally asked, “What are you looking for?” He replied, “I’ve never heard about the God you’re talking about. I had to see if you had the same Bible as me.”
You can be assured, the most condemning legalist, the most disgusting drunk, and the rankest sinner has never heard of the God you know. They fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 52. They blaspheme the name of God because of what they have been told! But, like the people in this beautiful church in Georgia, they are tired, worn out, burned out from religion and they need for us to introduce the Prince of Peace as we lovingly proclaim the gospel of peace. We can bring them face-to-face with a Jesus they never expected to meet and never expected to accept them.
Thank you for the millions of lives you touch every year. Together we are changing the way the world sees God!