World Changers

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June 2022

As I was thinking about our World Changers the other day, I was overwhelmed at what a unique group of believers we are.

We have chosen to follow a biblical path that is based on:


  • Realizing Jesus is the exact representation of God


– We need to look to our own understanding to know God. We look to Jesus to know the Father


  • Following God from our hearts


– We know God wants to connect with us through our hearts, the seat of our identity


  • Believing the Bible is the inspired Word of God.


– Every word is true, every word is in the Bible for a specific purpose, and every word reveals God the Father through the Lord Jesus


  • Rather than choose our personal interests for ministry, we have accepted Jesus’ call to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom as a means of making disciples to Jesus!


Rather than attempting to keep ourselves on track through legalism or obsessive-compulsive attempts at perfectionism, we actually believe what the Bible teaches about what happens when we believe something in our hearts: it happens effortlessly.

Everything God wants us to know and do starts with the Word of God being believed and thereby being written on our hearts. When we believe any biblical truth many things immediately occur:


  • We have a shift in our sense of self (identity)
  • Transformation becomes effortless
  • Our understanding opens in ways that are beyond explanation
  • Aspects of how we perceive God change
  • Believing the truth becomes natural
  • Our life becomes easy and light

I have spent 50 years developing techniques based on the Word of God, creating what I call Heart Physics® exercises that lead us in writing the truth in our hearts.

As I studied the scriptures to identify all the things God did to influence Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and a host of other patriarchs and believers how to influence their hearts, I discovered the heart was so crucial to a life of faith that God actually gave us ways to influence our hearts even in our sleep.

I released my first Heart Physics® Biblical Meditation: Communing With Your Heart, decades ago. It was a revelation in writing the Word of God on our hearts, even when we are going to sleep and while we sleep.

Psalm 4:4 says, Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. Based on this Scripture I began to study everything I could about sleep in the Bible and in medicine.

Here are some interesting things we must know and apply about sleep in order to be physically and emotionally whole and to be spiritually in tune with God:

The lack of sleep can be the cause of many major diseases, including hormonal imbalance, increase in fasting blood sugar, fatigue, and a host of other mental, emotional, and physical problems.

According to research by Dr. John Kappas, each night, we go through three stages of sleep designed to resolve emotional conflict. His studies show an important link between the sleep cycle, the types of dreams we have, and the significance of those dreams
He compares the first third of our sleep to taking out the trash. The dreams that occur during this period are a cleaning out of mostly meaningless information, like things you saw on television, conversations with people, passing thoughts, and other information collected during the day. He points out, “if this emotional clutter is not cleared away, it interferes with the more significant aspects of the dream process.”

I first realized the importance of dreams by studying the Scripture. Sleep makes it possible for us to resolve conflicts that we are incapable of processing through our conscious thought. This led me to some very important discoveries.

People who use synthetic drugs, even OTC medications, interrupt their sleep cycles, thereby not processing daily stresses. As Dr. Kappas said, they don’t take out the trash daily; therefore, clutter builds up in the mind. I have watched people who use unnatural things to sleep become more and more emotionally unstable over time. I have seen many people change so drastically that they didn’t seem like the same person. If we use something to help us sleep, it must be something that supports the natural sleep cycle.
We have what Dr. Kappas called precognitive dreams in the second third of the night, and I call them prophetic dreams. In these dreams, we preview the hopes and dreams far out of what we believe to be possible.

These dreams are usually expressed through symbols. Many symbols are the same in most cultures. But it is rare that anyone can interpret your dreams. The majority of symbols are the product of your life experiences. Therefore, the symbols can often only be clearly understood when doing HeartWork®. In fact, they cannot usually be remembered unless you get in your HeartZone®.

The last third of our Dream/Sleep cycle is usually when we have crazy, bizarre dreams. Too often we’ll have a dream that involves us doing something frightening, immoral, or violent. Believers usually wake from these types of dreams feeling they have moral or other types of problems. That kind of condemnation is due primarily to ignorance, and unbiblical religious influences.

In the middle of the night, we have dreams about our future. In the last third of the night, we have dreams that use symbolism to reveal those influences that prevent us from fulfilling our dreams. These dreams, about immorality, fighting, or frightening events, represent things that will keep us from fulfilling our destiny. But we must remember that an immoral dream doesn’t necessarily mean literal immorality is the issue.

If I awaken from unpleasant dreams, I don’t try to figure it out. My first response is to send away the influences represented. Then I immediately enter my HeartZone® to see if I get a clearer revelation of the real issue.

There is one very simple step we employ just before going to sleep that will determine which life issues we will face through our dream/sleep cycle. I have used this exercise many times to resolve issues in my life and ministry.

This is just one more tool in your toolbox to help you conquer that which has you trapped, expand the boundaries of your heart, or resolve deep personal issues. I am including a link below to a video as a gift. I want you to be able to apply one of the most powerful HeartTools® I have ever used.

For those of you who have struggled to use HeartPhysics®, this will be something that you can use that is effortless but powerful.

Thank you for all you do to take this message to America and the World


Together, we are changing the way the world sees God!


