World Changers

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June 2016 World Changer Letter

Every month as I prepare to write our World Changers I always wait until I hear something from the Lord. Today, as clear as a bell, the Lord spoke concerning you and said, “Not everyone knows what you know.” You notice that wasn’t directed to me but to you!

Today’s church is not rooted in the New Covenant, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It’s tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine, there is little stability and even less work of the ministry occurring through the body. BUT NOT YOU! You know the Covenant! Everything you hear from this ministry is based on the New Covenant. You’ll be stable when the rest of the world is falling apart!

I just received a great testimony from someone who told about working in prayer rooms where they begged God to heal and never saw anything happen. It was devastating to her confidence in God and then she got exposed to Impact Ministries and our message. Now she’s making the journey and her life is being transformed by the truth!

When I read a testimony (they come regularly) I’m at first filled with joy and thanksgiving, but then I’m like, “What? You mean there are still people in the world who are being duped into the Luciferian “God is bad” doctrine? Then I’m reminded that the majority of believers around the world don’t know or believe the New Covenant, i.e. the Covenant of Peace (Isaiah 54:10). They’ve never heard the Gospel of Peace (Ephesians 6:10). And because they believe the one thing the Bible says to never believe about God, they can never know Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

The Book of James is addressed to believers who were going through conflict. Evidently they were buying into the occult idea that God uses pain and hardship to teach us. James juxtaposed two very important Scriptures in order to paint a clear picture. Let no man say when he is tempted to do evil, tried, tested, scrutinized or made to strain that it is from God for God tempts, tests, tries, scrutinizes or makes any man strain and strive. The second Scripture says, on the other hand, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning (James 1:13). The picture he is presenting is God standing in an environment of complete light, yet He never varies from being good enough to even cast the slightest shadow.

While I was writing this letter one of my girls walked in and said, “We’ve got someone on the phone who wants to know the best book to read for faith. She’s been praying for healing and is starting to doubt because she isn’t seeing results.” This was my reply, “At its core faith is about trusting the nature and character of God. Until that is settled we’re not ready to address the individual promises of God.” The person who doesn’t see results and then falls into despair is someone who doesn’t know and trust the character and nature of God.

Faith doesn’t come just because you read the Bible; it comes because you read the Bible from the perspective of the New Covenant!

When Paul says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, he precedes that by pointing out the message they heard was the good news of peace. The good news of peace is based on the fact that God made a Covenant of Peace with Jesus. Because we are in Him we share in the Covenant and all its benefits. But the question begs to be answered, when have you ever met a believer who knew anything about the Gospel of Peace or the Covenant of Peace?

BUT YOU KNOW THE GOSPEL OF PEACE! You aren’t in the dark. You have the basis from which to understand and interpret the entire Bible. You know the true nature and character of God. God is love and everything He does is motivated by love. Therefore, you can be stable when others are in fear.

In the coming tribulation most believers think the horrors of that time will be God’s judgment on the world. They can never trust God to be the Deliverer if they believe He is the tormentor! They will have nowhere to turn and, what’s worse, is they will blame God for the work of Lucifer in Planet Earth!

I want you to understand, people need to know what you know. You can’t be all “pushy and preachy” but as you trust God in every situation and walk in peace, they will see and ask you about the hope you have in you. Then you can begin to share what you know about God!

Operation One Billion has many components, but the entire concept revolves around individuals ministering to their family and friends. Body ministry is the way God has always planned to reach the world. There’s a place for the evangelist and the official outreach of the Church, but that isn’t nearly as powerful as an individual witness.

I pray that you will have boldness to share, tempered by good manners, because love always has good manners. I pray that you fully awaken to what you have that few others in the world have: the revelation of the goodness of God as demonstrated in Jesus! I pray that you come to realize the entire world needs what you have.

Thank you so much for making this journey with me. Thank you for your prayer and financial support! Thank you so much that
Together we are changing the way the world sees God!


Jim Richards