quote-for-blog-100616I am not against intellectual knowledge or any other natural capacity with which we were endowed by our Creator, but intellectual knowledge must be brought into perspective.

Those who rely too heavily on the intellectual mind tend to reject the wisdom of God. There’s a tendency to exalt pseudo-science and humanistic philosophy above the Word of God. There’s also an over-reliance on the mind instead of the heart.

We can only connect with and know God from our heart, not our mind. Our mind is where we gather information about God from the Word of God, but that information is not life and it will not give you life. Information is a light that points us to the life and it’s essential for renewing our mind, The tendency, however, is to stop with information and think that little surge of ego that comes from knowledge is the Holy Spirit. As soon as the feeling goes away we are once again in pursuit of knowledge. The life of God, on the other hand, is not a vapor that floats away or wears out in time; because it transforms us personally, it abides forever.  

Pursue knowledge but start with the knowledge of God as modeled by the Lord Jesus. Use the knowledge of God to evaluate all intellectual knowledge. By doing so, all knowledge can become light that leads you to the truth instead of darkness that distorts the truth. Bring all knowledge captive to the knowledge of God and you will be truly wise, as well as benefit from all that you learn.

CLICK HERE to join me this week as we explore Light, Fellowship, Faith and Light. When light leads you to God and fellowship causes you to know God, your faith will explode and you will continuously experience the life of God!