I would like to know if acupuncture is evil. Most of the Christians I know say that it should not be used as a treatment. Please tell me if it’s okay because I’m confused! C.G.
Unfortunately, alternative health is one of those places where Christians fall prey to cultural conditioning. I don’t know that there is a perfect health care system in the world. They are all pretty much driven by money. If, however, we were to base our opinions of healthcare systems on their origins and symbols, Western healthcare would have to be condemned by all Christians. After all, their symbol is a serpent on the staff. This symbol came from the belief that people could be put into a pit with serpents crawling on them and they would be miraculously healed.
I have been fortunate to have many wonderful doctors who have kept me alive in times of crisis. But sadly, that is not always the case. The percentage of Western medical professionals that are atheist and antagonistic to any concepts of faith would be staggering if we only knew. All of our Western medical science is driven by the drug companies who only make money by keeping you sick. In ancient China, you only paid your doctor as long as you were well. When you got sick you stopped paying until you made a full recovery!
Remember, the Bible says to the pure all things are pure and to the evil all things are evil. So, if something works with the way the body was created, it is impossible for it to be evil. In fact, even that which is true if perverted by the person becomes evil. So the real question we need to ask is not if acupuncture is evil, but does it make me praise God for the way He created my body or does it make me trust something else as more source. The truth is, that can happen with any type of medical practice.
Sadly when it comes to Oriental medicine Christians are very ignorant. The church has always had a propensity to demonize anything that did not come from their prevailing culture. Look at the scientist that were killed and imprisoned for proclaiming that the sun was, in fact, the center of our solar system. Traditional Chinese medicine which includes Herbology, bodywork, and acupuncture is actually a very scientific medicine. However, because the terminology is so archaic, it’s hard for us to sometimes see the scientific basis. Many of our cutting edge breakthroughs in health are actually emerging from this ancient science, but no one will ever admit that!
Maybe a little history will help! The Chinese worshiped the same God as the Jews until about 760 BC. All of their science and all other health practices were handed down from the garden. They understood things about health and science that we are only beginning to understand today. In fact, the Chinese language is the oldest written language outside of the Bible that validates creation exactly as it is taught in the book of Genesis. The Chinese have a character for God that describes him as a triune being that exists as one. They have a character that describes Him as the Almighty God. Their character for temptation is a woman in a garden under a tree with a serpent. There are many more Chinese characters that support the creation story exactly as it is presented in the Bible. The only difference, however, is just the terminology that is used.
Somewhere around 760 BC was the first time an emperor of China introduced pagan worship into their country. The people rebelled and assassinated their emperor. In retaliation, when his son came to power he introduced his own policy into China. It was at this time that the Buddhist came into China and discovered the scientific and medical texts that had existed there for centuries. When they translated these texts they inserted Buddhist thought. The result is that most of the world thinks that this knowledge came from Buddhism. But it didn’t.
The Greek New Testament refers to Jesus as the logos; the Chinese refer to him as the Tao (pronounced Dow). Both of these words mean essentially the same thing: The logic, wisdom, and integrity of God’s spoken, creative words. The Chinese basis of medicine and science says they should observe the Tao, that is, the way man was created. They believe all medicine should be consistent and harmonious with the way man was created and the way his body works. Western medicine, on the other hand, tried to interrupt, manipulate and alter the way man was created. It has little value for our organs or the natural order of health. Because the flawed concept of Darwinism dominates the medical field, there is no consideration for how man was created. After all, if there is no acknowledgment of a Creator, why should we have value for how the body was created? In fact, their only definition of health is the absence of disease! It is easy to see which one is a more biblically consistent approach.
Auricular acupuncture is the most effective treatment of substance abuse in the world. In fact, acupuncture is used by more people in the world than any other form of medical treatment and millions of those people are believers. The only difference is their culture has not ignorantly demonized the practice. At the end of the day, however, don’t violate your conscience. If it is wrong for you don’t do it. But if you’re basing it on the superstitions of ignorant, uninformed dogma, you may want to check it out. If you do, make sure the practitioner is a certified acupuncturist. I would also make sure he or she is a certified herbalist. Herbalists tend to be better acupuncturists! If they start talking some ungodly philosophy, just treat them like you do your western doctor when he or she smirks at prayer… tell them you are not really interested in their philosophies.
At the end of the day, no medical treatment heals the body. It only facilitates healing. Any good doctor or health care provider will acknowledge this. God is our healer in many ways. First and foremost, he created our body to heal. This is why it is so essential that the type of treatment we get must facilitate the body working as it should. Then of course, as we believe the truth about who we are in Christ, we are able to experience Christ the healer in our hearts. The optimal pursuit of healing is one that combines spirit, soul, and body! Deal with your beliefs, your emotions, and do what works with the way your body was created!
Want to learn more about the concepts around energy healing? Click HERE to watch a short video introduction about biblically-based EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, aka Tapping) and to delve further into this subject, be sure to check out Heart Physics® Biblically-Based EFT Training. This is a full weekend seminar that will give you all the tools you’ll need to heal on a deep energetic level.
sir, what a wonderful and detailed answer to this question. iainmacc
I love this post, because when its all said and done its all about the believer and the relationship they have with God our ultimate healer!
Trying to verify this information.
I see buddha not born until 6th century bd so how are there Buddhists in 760bc?
I want to believe this.
I may have not stated that clearly. The actions that took place in China led to polytheism, which at a future point led to Buddhism in China. but the philosophies of Buddha did not originate with him. If you want more information check out the book, The Discovery of Genesis, by C.H. Chang and Ethel R. Nelson. Please accept my apology for a lack of clarity! Blessings!
Godly Principles of Health
Sadly there are so many things condemned by genuine sincere people that is based more on religious culture and conditioning than the word of God. Few people realize that most western medicine was established by corrupt egotistical money hungry people who knew that controlling medicine would give them almost total control of mankind. Then, we brought in the Nazi “scientists” and began to incorporate their corrupt drugs and philosophies into big pharma with no regard for the side effects. (Check out Operation Paper Clip). There are more people killed and maimed in America every year by medical mistakes, side effects of drugs, wrong mixtures of drugs, unsanitary hospitals and medical malpractice than have been killed in all the wars we have been in and all terrorism. But we sit by silently and accept it, while rejecting things that are natural.
Maybe its time for believers to realize, just because it was created in the west does not mean it is of God, and just because it was created by ungodly people does not mean it is ungodly. If ungodly people creating it means it’s evil we should not fly, drive, watch television use electricity, watch television listen to the radio, watch movies, read a newspaper use penicillin or… well as you know many inventions were driven by man’s greed and ego.
The questions should be: Is my approach to health consistent with how God created me, or is it working against God’s natural wisdom? When ANYTHING improves the quality of your life do you thank God as the Creator of all that is good or do you think you don’t need God?
Be sure you’re getting my blogs. I am going to be offering some special health classes soon! It is my desire that every believer know how to use God’s principles to be healthy, energetic and vibrant!
I do thank you for the spirit in which you have attempted to answer and to be honest my personal jury is still out on some of these issues however I did want to mention the serpent on a pole was a foreshadowing of Christ dying for our sins used by Moses. John 3:14-15 Numbers 21:7-9 “A bronze serpent in the wilderness was placed on a tall pole so that the people who had sinned could look upon the serpent on the pole, and live, (Num 21:7-9). 2 Corinthians 5:21 He that knew no sin was made to be sin for us. 1 Peter 2:24 By his stripes we are healed.
Love this post! Are there any resources you can point me towards to learning more about the Chinese history with the Bible? It makes so much sense but I’ve never heard that before and would love to learn more.
Hi Leah, You can get the book The Discovery of Genesis which is on our Reccomended Reading List https://impactministries.com/resources/
very very insightful, thank you.
I’m so glad I ran across this! I think you gave a very good reply sir. I am in nursing school and I will be graduating in May. I have worked as a nurses aide for 14 years as well. Western medicine for the most part is garbage. I believe in natural means and methods to bring about healing for the body. Its so funny how people can be quick to demonize something like acupuncture but yet take all these meds that is destroying the body.
I found this article to be extremely helpful and insightful. Thank you for illuminating my understanding of this treatment and its history and cultural context. I appreciated the perspective on Western medicine as well, which very often is a completely ungodly form of treatment and approach to overall health. God is our ultimate Healer, and we take Him with us wherever we go as believers, whether that be into our doctor’s office, our chiropractor, or our acupuncturist. We must know how to filter out what is truth and what is lie, and that confronts us daily no matter what we do.
Please tell me what your thoughts are about yoga in relation to Christianity.
Yoga is a good exercise working on our flexibility. It is used in some cultures as part of their religious practice but many things are used in religious practices, including Christianity (for instance communion elements), and it really doesn’t matter what something is used for, what matters is what is your heart intention in using it. If your heart is not engaged when you take communion you are just eating and drinking. If your heart is not intending to use Yoga to worship idols then you are just exercising. Nothing in and of itself is evil, it is always the intention of heart that makes it for good or evil.
Thank you for this! My son is very interested in becoming a dr of Acupuncture and natural
Medicine. He is also a music leader at
Church (15 yrs old) in college. Two people of influence have told him it is evil and he should be a “regular” dr. This really helped l!