We start out believing in God only to discover how much He believes in us.If more people were honest they’d be asking this same question. Here’s the short answer: a relationship is a relationship is a relationship! In other words, unless our relationship with God looks and feels a lot like our relationship with the people we love most, it probably isn’t really a relationship as much as a co-existence!

We have to start by realizing: all relationships are developed; they don’t just happen. They happen because people on both sides want them. God has always wanted a relationship with you, but because of what you heard about Him and feared you haven’t been sure you want one with Him. This brings us to the next aspect of a relationship: it grows. We don’t start out in love with someone. Once we are compelled to connect with someone, then it becomes all about discovery. The more we realize they are for us, they are likable and desirable, the more like turns to love.

The beginning of most relationships is a little selfish; it’s usually about the benefits. The more we feel safe, the more we open our heart and reveal ourselves. We talk, we share, and the more we have good experiences the more valuable (loving) the relationship becomes. With God we read His Word to know Him, we pray and meditate to connect with Him; to experience Him we share our heart with Him in all things. In time we hear His voice as clearly as someone sitting across the table talking to us.

I once heard someone say, “The person who will have the greatest influence in your life is not the person you believe in, but the person who believes in you.” We start out believing in God only to discover how much He believes in us. He starts out loving us until we can love Him back.

Once you discover and experience that you are the object of God’s affection, all the other factors of your relationship with God will fall in place. JOIN ME this week and let’s walk the path that takes us into the love relationship of your life!