“The glory of God that manifested in Jesus is revealed in the fact that He and the Father were One... He perfectly represented the Father to the world.”In John 17 Jesus says He gives us the glory the Father gave Him. Exactly what was that glory and why did He give it to us? The glory of God that manifested in Jesus is revealed in the fact that He and the Father were One. In other words, He perfectly represented the Father to the world. Since we’ve heard His teachings and can see His life in the gospels we have seen His revelation of the Father. But even more incredible is the fact that we have the same Holy Spirit in us that He had, attempting to manifest the character, nature and power of God through us to the world. His desire was that the world would see the glory of God in us and believe that He was the perfect representation of God! JOIN ME this week as we look at the many dimensions of beholding the glory of God!