As God breathes life and vision into your heart, the new vision (or renewed vision) becomes the new wine. Now you need a wineskin that is flexible enough to hold the wine. Remember, Jesus said if you try to put the new wine in the old wineskin, you would destroy the wineskin and lose the wine! Everyone loses!
He also said that those who have drunk the old do not like the taste of the new. They always think the old is better. Unless the people who comprise your team renew themselves continually, they will be the ones who keep you from going forward. They will cause you to lose the new wine!
As a new believer, I was a passionate soul-winner. It seemed that everyone, whether they wanted me or not, wanted my gift to benefit their cause. The Baptists and Methodists offered me scholarships with quite attractive benefits. Later, the charismatics and Word of Faith organizations, in various forms, made me desirable offers. They wanted what I could bring to their ministries. They wanted to drink from my new wine! There is nothing wrong with that. If I could have lived my dream within those organizations, I would have. But I knew that if I stopped to take their offers, I would lose the wine in their wineskins. And when they had drank to their fullest, they would have thrown me away to find someone else, someone who had new wine they could drink, seeing they had none of their own and lacked the heart to get it for themselves.
There will always be those people. They lack the heart to get it for themselves. Those who will not refresh themselves in the Lord will always attach themselves to others to give themselves a sense of purpose. And if they will grow and move with you, that’s fine. But when you go where they do not have the heart to go, they will always say the old wine, the old way of doing things, is better. If you are influenced by those who do not see your dream you will lose the wine and remain forever in the old wineskin that cannot bear change. If you are filling your heart with new wine, you will have to pour your life into a new wineskin.
Focus on what you really want to do with your life and ministry. Cast off every weight that hinders that purpose and commit yourself to your call and leave all else behind. In so doing, you will once again light the flame of passion and vision that once burned so brightly in your heart. (read entire article)