One of the most deceptive lies is the one that contains a partial truth. A man I deeply respected used to say, “Religion is like a vaccination; it gives you just enough of the real thing that you can’t actually catch it!” Religion is God’s Word interpreted from a flawed logic. Since we are quoting Scripture we assume we have the real thing; however, our basis of interpretation actually leads us to the wrong conclusion. It seems like truth because it is based on a Scripture, but it never brings us to total victory!
Absolute, or foundational truth, is the truth by which we interpret all other truth. Much of what we are taught about the devil stands in direct contradiction of the absolute truth of what Jesus accomplished by His death, burial and resurrection. Every doctrine, every action, every emotion, and every belief we have about the devil must be interpreted in light of the Cross. The resurrection says he is a powerless, humiliated foe with absolutely no right to touch us. Our interpretation of all information in light of the Cross empowers it to generate faith or doubt, confidence or fear; it is aligned with Christ or antichrist!
JOIN ME this week to discover the absolute truth about the devil. Never spend another moment in fear! Never again give away your power to a being that is already defeated!