Based on religious upbringing a person’s idea of the glory of God will vary. But most believers I’ve talked to seem to think of it as anything from a cloud to immense light or some other physical manifestation. The truth is, the Bible seems to indicate the glory of God is beyond description that would make sense to the natural mind!
God did, however, give us some ways we could see the glory of God. In Exodus 33:18, when Moses requested to see the glory of God it was His goodness that passed before Moses. More than any other factor comprehendible to humans that portrays the glory of God, is His unspeakable goodness.
When God’s goodness, i.e. loving-kindness is manifested God is glorified. When Jesus discovered Lazarus was dead, He said this would glorify God… not because He died, but because Jesus would raise him from the dead, John 11:4.
When we love one another (which is the greatest commandment) people who don’t even believe in God get to see the glory of God manifested through the way we treat them, Matthew 5:16. JOIN ME this week and discover the incredible faith, power and transformation that will come into your life simply from perceiving how incredibly good God really is!