The more we are fully convinced of the goodness, virtue, faithfulness and love of God, the easier it is to believe and the harder it is to disbelieve.As a young believer, when I sought to strengthen or develop my faith I did what great preachers of faith told me to do. While I received a lot of great teaching, I can’t say it actually helped my faith. Most of it was designed to get me to have faith in my faith! In other words, just believe your faith will work.

Faith, however, is the natural outgrowth of knowing and believing God, not believing in faith. Faith is a factor of the heart which means it is always rooted in a loving relationship. Moses became a man of incredible faith by getting to God and His ways. The more we are fully convinced of the goodness, virtue, faithfulness and love of God, the easier it is to believe and the harder it is to disbelieve.

JOIN ME this week as we look at Moses’ journey in faith. You’ll discover faith to be a simple process of renewing the mind, i.e. discovering who God really is, repentance surrendering all our religious concepts of an angry wrathful God and persuading the heart to be immovable in His truth.