Quote for Blog 6Faith is a level of trust that only occurs when we are FULLY PERSUADED! Too often we guilt ourselves into saying we believe when we, in fact, are not fully-persuaded; we are merely in intellectual agreement. Then when faced with an overcoming obstacle we waver!

There is no shame or disgrace in our struggle with faith. If you condemn yourself for any problem you can never overcome it. A heart that is established in the Covenant of Peace will never condemn itself even when it recognizes the presence of unbelief.

We have been told, “Faith is blind!” There is nothing farther from the truth. God never asked you to believe what He has not revealed. His Word is the ultimate revelation. It tells us what we have now that we are in Christ: All the promises and none of the curses. However, our capacity to experience these realities is based on the beliefs of our heart. To get incredible amounts of teaching and information about persuading your heart check out my series, The Supernatural Power of Making Decisions.

Contrary to popular religious teaching we believe that for which we have the most evidence. Our circumstances provide evidence that tells us all problems are ours. The promises of God tell us that all promises are ours. The one we believe is simply the one upon which we place our attention. “The measure we meet is measured back to us…” good or bad!

making decisions CDThis week in CyberChurch I will show you how to look past the problems that scream for your attention. In my message, Confessions of a Persuaded Heart, you’ll learn to gather evidence from God’s Word that becomes so real you are no longer swayed by circumstances. You will discover the secret to choosing God’s life and blessings and never being moved!