Quote for Blog - 050716Nearly every believer knows we build faith through God’s Word. His Word is equal to His name. Both His names and His Words reveal His true character and nature, so we cannot be deceived by religion!  However, nearly no one heeds Paul’s instruction to activate our faith by experiencing the Word through acknowledging all the good things we have in Jesus. The Greek word for “acknowledge” means “to experience.” Therefore, we are to experience all the good things we have in Jesus in order to activate our faith (Philemon 1:6).

Experiencing what God’s Word says is the product of meditation. But, because of our Western religious influences nearly no one is aware of or applies the Kingdom principle of meditation as taught in the Parable of the Sower. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given (Mk 4:25). The degree of thought, reflection, pondering considering, imagining and meditating on the Word you hear will determine the measure of life that comes back to you from that Word.

The key to meditation is imagining something as being real in your own life until it becomes your own experience. When you’ve experienced yourself being bold, sharing the gospel, walking in love, overcoming obstacles, or anything the Word promises; it doesn’t make it happen, it makes it believable. Once you believe it as being real NOW, it can manifest in your life. Click Here and listen for FREE to the Four Exercises for Building Faith I have personally done for years that equipped me to walk in powerful, overcoming faith!