By making you a new creation you become the best possible version of you.God doesn’t want to make you into someone else. He isn’t rejecting who you are as a personality. However, since He loves you, He doesn’t want you to be self-destructive. He doesn’t want you hurting yourself or those around you. By making you a new creation you become the best possible version of you. You still have your personality but you have the character that prevents you from walking in the destructive aspects of it.

This isn’t something you simply pretend to be. This is something that occurs effortlessly because you want it, you choose it and you believe it. The more real it becomes in your heart the more it becomes your reality, the way you experience life, how you feel about yourself. Everything that I teach has as its goal that you believe the truth about God, believe what Jesus accomplished for you and believe who you really are now that you are in Him. CLICK HERE to join me this week and discover how your identity will completely change the way you express your authority in this earth!