Quote for Blog - 031016Our identity in Christ is the core of New Covenant living. While many people talk about identity in Christ it is probably one of the most neglected aspects of our walk with God. It is the unresolved pain of the past that undermines our capacity to put on the new man created according to God.

The voice of our heart is the conscience. The word “conscience” means “dual knowledge” or “dual perception.” Our conscience is a combination of what God says about us and what our mind says about us. When the soul and the spirit are not single and harmonious in our self-perception, our view of God, ourselves and the world around us is blurred. We are blinded or darkened by our corrupted perception.

A good conscience is one that produces health. Most of our issues with our conscience are based on past hurts and pains. We have come to define ourselves by the way others treat us, making it impossible to accept God’s view and opinion. If you want to live in a clear conscience check out Freedom from Emotional Debt: Healing Your Broken Heart. You can end the internal conflict! When you follow God’s prescription for freedom from emotional debt you will bring an end to Emotional PTSD. Join me in Impact CyberChurch to take your first step!