Many of us have friends to whom we are more connected than we are our family, so we are not violating God’s Word just because we violate family tradition.It is incredibly important to build good family relations but in the west the way we approach that is sometimes very superficial. Family tradition with a dose of obligation and guilt drives us to spend what should be a very special time with people we don’t enjoy and often don’t even like.

Proverbs 27:10 is a Scripture ignored in our family obligations: better a neighbor nearby than a brother far away. Many of us have friends to whom we are more connected than we are our family, so we are not violating God’s Word just because we violate family tradition.

A secret to being surrounded by people we enjoy is to plan the kind of event we want to have. If you want prayer, testimonies or any other new tradition, let people know. The people who are not in harmony with where you are going will probably choose not to participate. But you never know! Some of those who annoy you may actually get the help they need by participating in a spiritual event.  But, first and foremost, you must break through your negative emotions. CLICK HERE to start developing your strategy for Overcoming Holiday Depression.