Just as an antidote makes us immune to a specific disease, the PAIN antidote prevents the emotional and physical diseases that arise from offenses. Let’s see how the pain antidote works through prevention:


It’s always harder to recover from a problem than it is to prevent one. When facing an offense or the potential for offense, there are only two choices: prevention or cure. It’s always harder to recover from a problem than it is to prevent one. Once a problem’s taken root, we become overwhelmed by the emotions which cause us to stumble through unbelief; in other words, we become unpersuadable that we can do anything about it.

Very few of us live in a vigilant state of prevention. With no forethought at all, we put ourselves in harm’s way without even considering the outcome. According to Scripture, one way we can prevent a problem is by guarding our heart, which means “to protect or maintain, to watch over, to be diligent, to observe.”

Wisdom approaches every situation with the mindset that questions if it will keep us intimately connected to God, and in no way hurt or destroy our communication, interaction, love, connection, and commitment to God. The Bible says that “the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” In the Hebrew, the “fear of God” is the fear of hurting that relationship. The antidote that prevents pain is the one that proactively and purposely guards our heart and relationship with God.

If you’d like to learn more about HOW TO STOP THE PAIN in your own life, join us for our next Life Transformation Workshop called “How to Stop the Pain” by CLICKING HERE