Ultimate Warfare: The Battle for Your Emotions Series


God created each of us to be a living soul. This means life, and every aspect of it is meant to be felt and enjoyed. Gain great insights and learn to use incredibly powerful tools to experience Zoe life!

(6 Messages)



We keep losing at spiritual warfare because we continue to fight a New Covenant battle with Old Covenant tools. Regardless of how it was done in the Old Covenant, we have a new and better covenant with better promises. The battleground, the strategies, and even the players have changed, but we are still using the old battle plan.

In the New Covenant, every battle you fight is won or lost in your thoughts and emotions. When sickness attacks your body, a war emerges in your thoughts that cause you to question the promise of God for healing. In the end, regardless of God’s reality, your emotions cause you to feel defeat or victory. When buried under financial pressure, it is your emotions that wear you out. If you lose a loved one, a war rages in your mind and emotions about your loss and the fairness of God!

The battleground for the New Covenant believer is not the heavenlies, according to the Apostle Peter, it is the soul. According to Paul, your ability to get healed and live in prosperity isn’t because you grow spiritually; it is because you become spiritually-minded, and you experience these things first in your thoughts and emotions.

  • Thoughts that don’t produce emotions are powerless.
  • All New Covenant warfare occurs in the thoughts and emotions.
  • Jesus came to save our soul: thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
  • Salvation that can’t be felt is powerless.
  • When you “send away” destructive emotions, tormenting thoughts cease.

God created each of us to be a living soul. This means life, and every aspect of it is intended to be felt and enjoyed. Gain great insights and learn to use incredibly powerful tools to experience salvation in your soul: mind, emotions, and will!

(6 Messages)

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