Live Like You Are Dying Series
From $16.00
Are you tired of the limitations of life? Are you ready to move beyond your ultimate fears? I have great news. God has given you everything you need to live life to its fullest. It’s not what’s wrong with you. It’s what God placed in you.
(4 Messages)
Are you tired of the limitations of life? Are you ready to move beyond your ultimate fears?
You may think it’s a lack of willpower, too little faith, or even an issue of procrastination.
You assume you are where you are because of what’s wrong with you! I have great news. God has given you everything you need to live life to its fullest. It’s not what’s wrong with you. It’s not what you lack.
The day you give up self, you will discover what Jesus meant when He said if you ”lose your life, you’ll save it.” The word “saved” means saved, healed, delivered, blessed, prospered, protected, and made whole. None of those benefits can fully be ours as long as we cling to the life we have created. The moment we accept our death in Christ, we cross over.
This four-message series, Live Like You are Dying, will free you from the deception of this life’s limitations. You will:
- Become a better friend.
- Find Heaven in your soul now.
- Be able to prioritize with unbelievable clarity.
- Get past the petty issues of life.
- Move toward your destiny with exponential growth.
- End confusion about values.
Hear what others are saying:
“If I had not heard this message, I would be making some terrible decisions.”
“This came just in time!”
“This makes life so simple.”
“I’ve been able to sort out my priorities.”
(4 Messages)
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