Effective leaders are aware of these factors and actually learn to use them for their benefit. Leaders often expect people to read their mind. To think that anyone can act the way we need, without explicit instructions, is to huge leadership miscalculation. It is usually the leader who is withholding the information needed to resolve the misunderstanding. Be assured, you are the only one who can effectively solve the problem.

Successful delegation doesn’t lead to micromanaging. It should never turn a one-man task into a two-man task. It should not increase anxiety and frustration; it should reduce it. Successful delegation gives everyone more freedom and more opportunities for creative input. Successful delegation gives the delegate the peace to release the team member to do his or her job. It even frees the one accepting the task to operate at the greatest level of efficiency and creativity. Successful delegation occurs when both parties have the same goal, timetable, and plan of action. So how can all this happen without micro-managing every situation? Simple! Have all your team read the book, The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey. Follow this up with a staff meeting reviewing the four questions that must be answered when a person accepts the task. Make this the S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) and settle back for smooth sailing. Read Entire Article