Every year, at this time, I’m kept awake by people in my neighborhood rattling the windows with fireworks until midnight and sometimes into the wee hours of the morning. The thought always floats through my head, “For all this noise, I wonder if they have any idea what this holiday celebrates, and I wonder if they have any idea of the cost paid to give us such incredible freedom.”
Sadly, our own government doesn’t promote the true meaning of our national holidays. Worse, it promotes ideologies designed to undermine the very reason we have a nation. Our government ridicules our own laws and values. By the way, I am not an idealist; I know our country has been led by corrupt leaders to something that doesn’t resemble the intention of our Constitution. This political corruption has provided the perfect ground for sedition! It seems that the entire country is ripe for change!
The Bible warns against fraternizing with those given to change (Proverbs 24:21). The root Hebrew word for change is SHEN-NUN-HEI. I know your first reaction is, “But Jim, you are all about change!” And I am! But this word for change indicates some interesting subtleties. This indicates that something is hidden or disguised, which implies there is something disingenuous about their motives for change. They have a hidden agenda.
The Hebrew word used for change has a message embedded in the letters of the root Word. It warns against creating change from brokenness! As our nation has become driven more and more by the victim mentality, we see that the changes that are coming are not designed to facilitate responsibility and wholeness. It is a vengeful reaction instigated by people who are broken.
Those leading the charge for change were not raised in true scriptural values of love, righteousness, and justice. They were raised under the influence of Freud, Dr. Spock, and other godless charlatans. This generation that is burning down America in the name of change is not bringing a change that is founded on biblical values based on the teachings of Jesus, nor are they upholding our great Constitution, which has produced a level of freedom unknown by any nation that has ever existed.
In 2007, I was deeply moved by the first speech I heard by then-Senator Obama. I saw the need for “fundamental change” in America… until I came to understand what he meant by “fundamental change.” (Let me insert that the problems in our country are not a conflict between democrats and republicans; it is a battle between the godless and the godly.)
I soon realized that both Democrats and Republicans wanted to destroy our Constitution and the biblical values upon which our country was built. They didn’t want a change that brought us to abandon the hypocrisy of the political class. They didn’t want to restore virtue, integrity, and morals; they wanted a change that abandoned everything godly, moral, and ethical!
As indicated by the letter SHIN, they are driven by a corrupt passion, i.e., a fire that is committed to burning down anything that bound them to godly values, morals, and ethics. They wanted to change America into something that served their hidden agendas of corruption and destruction, consumed by anger, lust, and greed.
The great tragedy is that this political trend was preceded by corruption in the Church that set the stage for what is happening to our nation. In the 80s and early 90s, I ministered with some of the most “popular” names in ministry in the world. I really didn’t want to move in those circles, but God showed me that I was there to minister to the “successful, influential” ministers more than the crowds that attended the meetings.
I can honestly say that most of the most successful ministers in the world were like politicians. They were driven by corruption, insecurity, codependency, and the desperate need for power and fame. They mistreated and used their staff, parishioners, and supporters. There was so much immorality and financial corruption that it was heart-wrenching.
But here is the real heartbreaking reality. The Church was so biblically illiterate, morally bankrupt, and emotionally broken that they blindly laid down their lives for these people, whose lives modeled everything that opposed the teachings of Jesus and found ways to justify it! The Church, which should have been the moral and spiritual conscience of America, not only failed in that capacity, they carried it into the way they thought, voted, and managed their personal lives.
Here’s the great news, we are not dependent on the Orthodox Church to fulfill our spiritual destiny in America or the world. The “worldwide revival” that is already beginning will not happen because of any church. However, there will be many godly churches and pastors that will participate, and be influencers that bring about godly change!
Those of you who implement Heart Physics® as a way of life understand that the true laws of nature are always in harmony with the Scripture! Romans 1:19-20) The laws of physics tell us that nothing ever goes away or ceases to exist. But it does change states. Energy and matter are in a constant state of transformation between the two. They don’t cease to exist; they simply change states of existence.
God is eternal, and He never changes. For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore, ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. (Malachi 3:6) This, and other scriptures, teach us that should God change, i.e., redefine righteousness, it would force Him to change His actions toward the righteous. Fortunately, God’s values, ethics, morals, and standards have never changed.
One of the greatest sources of confusion is that most “Christians” think God changed His values when He established the New Covenant. But, if God changed His values, morals, ethics, or standards, He would no longer be God. He would be a liar. All of creation would implode! We would all be destroyed.
The goals for believers, church, and ministry have never changed. The Contract, i.e., Covenant, changed, but God, His standards, goals, and purposes have never changed. With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the gift of righteousness, in Christ, we have a new means of fulfilling all of God’s objectives, and we have the power of the Holy Spirit. But everything else is the same.
So, back to the coming “revival!” God has always wanted a group of people that would apply His wisdom to demonstrate to the world how incredible life could be if we actually lived and applied righteousness motivated by love. Groups never do anything or accomplish anything, but individuals accomplish every goal of the group! One of the inherent weaknesses of groups is that they always want a leader. And those who want to be leaders are always the most insecure and codependent! And that codependent tendency of the group and the potential leader deceives us into giving our power and freedom of choice to others.
Israel wanted a king so they could have the false sense of security that other nations had. God warned them of all the woes of giving their power to others to lead them. He explained that their desire was actually a rejection of personal responsibility, which devolved into the rejection of Him as their leader. (1 Samuel 8:7)
You can read the entire account in 1 Samuel 8:4-22. It is quite an eye-opener about what happens when we deceive ourselves into thinking our political or religious leaders can be an adequate substitute for each of us following God in our hearts! I do realize our need to be part of a group. Groups can help us to stay focused on the greater needs. But the moment we surrender our individuality to the group, we become corrupted!
The group tends to mask manipulation under the guise of new revelation or insight! But we don’t need new truths or new revelations. We actually need to return to the basic truth of Scripture, as taught and modeled by Jesus. He will pour out the Holy Spirit to empower us to live as He lives. Not as preachers and teachers tell us how to live. The greatest preachers and teachers in the world simply point people to the Scripture through the life and teaching of Jesus!
As a side note, in the Millennium, Jesus will do through a group what no political or religious leader has ever done. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will all be transformed, making us spiritually “fit” to rule and reign with Jesus. He will be a flawless leader committed to God’s righteousness and justice. We will then do what neither Israel nor the Church has ever been able to do. The goals and objectives of God will not change during the Millennium, but the power to fulfill them will change, based on the eternal promises of God! (Those things about God that never change.)
But until the Millennium, God will use you individually to be who you are called to be, as part of the “Spiritual Body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-16) Being who we are in Jesus is not a matter of rebelling against the Church; it is a matter of fulfilling our calling and identity without losing ourselves to the agenda of an individual leader.
God is going to use you in ways you probably longed for as a new believer, but have had it crushed out of you by carnal leaders who made you feel you needed them when what they wanted was to control you. Disempowering people by imposing limitations and making them feel inadequate or underqualified is one of the most crippling forms of manipulation, especially when it is reinforced by a group of “sheep” who are blindly following the corrupt shepherd! Please understand – I know some of the greatest ministers in the world who labor to serve and equip their congregations to fulfill their God-given destiny. Many of you are fortunate enough to walk with these godly leaders!
Great ministers live in harmony with the Holy Spirit: they always remind you of who you are, what you have, and what you can do because you are in Jesus. They see the best in you, even when they are helping you face and conquer the worst in you. They never attempt to make you feel inadequate!
If you have a great pastor, support them in every way the Scripture teaches financially, emotionally, and in serving the body. But never violate the Word of God or your personal destiny for anyone!
History has proven that the Orthodox Church ALWAYS resists what God is doing today if it means they will have to cede power, control, or status! The Orthodox Church has always been and will always be the first and most brutal persecution against believers who put following God ahead of following the agenda of the shepherd!
Most of you who follow this ministry have the wisdom and discernment to be in good churches with great pastors. So, I don’t have deep concerns for you about your church or pastor. But I am concerned that you will limit yourself. You will place limitations on who you will allow Christ to be in and through you! God needs to be all He can be in and through you! Your church and pastor need you to fulfill your role in the body of Christ! The people in your world need to experience Christ in you in ways that are beyond what you have ever done.
I am fully committed to helping you Take the Limits Off God and be all you are in Jesus. Together, we will continue to start new outreaches around the world, train and develop ministers and leaders, strengthen the hearts of believers, start new Bible Schools, and provide training for churches and pastors. Thank you for all you do so that together… Because of your financial help, millions of people are hearing and living a life of grace, peace, and the unconditional love of God! Together…
Please enjoy this incredible testimony:
Heart Physics took me a while to warm up to but when I was first introduced to it in UI, I can tell you that I tangibly experienced improvement in the area of stress. I was going through major physiological changes and had lots of conflict in my life at the time, so my cortisol was super high. I remember being so stressed about something, I couldn’t think straight. Then I remembered HP, so I did one of the essential HP meditations and it was like night and day! I truly was surprised at how relaxed and at peace I felt after the HP. This tool helped me handle stress better and I made better decisions as a result. I believe it was a turning point in my relationship with God.