I want to start by praying a Christmas blessing on you and your family. I pray this season is a time of renewing your love and appreciation for God’s goodness to all mankind. It is amazing that in His love He sent Jesus to die for us while we were yet sinners. We didn’t do one thing to compel or convince Him, it was all initiated by His love.
When the Bible talks about reconciliation, it is a word that is both vast and rich in meaning! We know that the word “reconcile” in part means “to exchange.” Our first realization is that Jesus was The Great Exchange. On the cross He became our sin so that we might become His righteousness. His part of the work is finished; there is nothing we are waiting on God to do. In His death He took all the punishment. In His resurrection He overcame all power, dominion, and name. In His inheritance He received all the promises of God. ALL OUR NEEDS ARE MET IN HIM! Our part is to believe it in our heart!
The word “reconcile” also holds another rich nugget of truth. It means “to exchange something of equal value.” This means if God gave Jesus for us He valued us as much as He does Jesus. That is beyond all comprehension. This is why we look to the cross and the propitiation (satisfying of wrath) to grasp the great love God has for us. There is no end to realizing the multiple ways God expressed His love for us in the cross of the Lord Jesus.
I also find it amazing that Heaven rejoiced at the birth of our Lord. Just think of it! Jesus, the Word of God, was surrendering His place in Heaven to become a man. (Jesus) Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Phil. 2:6-8).
Jesus didn’t fight or argue with God to stay in Heaven in His pre-incarnate form. He humbled Himself. Moreover, God did not mourn over the sacrifice His Son would make. The angels did not cry at the human birth of our Lord, they rejoiced! The birth of Jesus was the final step toward God’s eternal plan to gather all things together in His Son, therein providing the life for man He had always envisioned!
When we begin to look at the birth of Jesus through God’s eternal plan the love of God is manifest in so many ways. I hope you will take the time to consider, ponder, reflect, and meditate on these realities. This will bring you to the true Spirit of the Season. It doesn’t matter why the world celebrates the Season. It doesn’t matter about all the corrupt reasons the Church chose December 25th. All that matters is why you celebrate the Season.
Please remember our two free download offers for the month of December: Creating Happy Holidays and The Christmas Story! I pray that both of these will serve to help you and your family turn the Christmas celebration into a true Christ-mass! Plus, I have my new series: The Way of Peace: The Place of Power! I was so blessed just by studying and sharing this material. I know it will be a blessing to you.
Merry Christ Celebration,
Jim Richards