I spent most of last week in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada in a conference on The Gospel of Peace. On the final day of the meetings as we shared our last meal together the question going around the table was, “What was the best part of the week for you?” That was something that I had to think over because there were so many things that made it a great week.
The first thing that came to my mind was how the Holy Spirit led me to present the material. As most of you know, whether you’re reading one of my books or attending a conference on a subject you’ve heard me teach before there are always many very obvious changes in how and what material is presented. Even when preaching the same topic the Holy Spirit always gives me a different way to present the material based on the needs of that particular group.
If the Holy Spirit were just the dispenser of information we could do without Him or we could do without the Bible because they would both be saying the same thing. However, the Holy Spirit doesn’t just regurgitate information in the Scripture, He shows us how to apply it, He gives us the power to apply it, and He leads us in the application of the truth.
In John 16:13-14 Jesus said, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament defines this truth the Holy Spirit brings as ”non-concealment,” i.e., “the real state of affairs, an absolute truth distinct from relative truth, truth that is hidden from the senses, firm, solid and binding!” This is far more than correct information; this is the truth that will get you through life.
The Holy Spirit has many names and each one describes an aspect of His character and His ministry to the believer. He never comes and expresses Himself in any way that is incongruent with His name. He is the Spirit of Wisdom. Since wisdom is the practical application of truth, He is always seeking to lead us into the application of the truth He is revealing. He is the Spirit of Grace; therefore, He is always expressing His strength in us to live the truth He is revealing. Then it follows, based on His many names and expression, that He always leads us in the application of truth in a way that keeps us in peace, protects us, causes us to experience righteousness and joy, and to fully and completely experience Jesus!
The Holy Spirit never wants us to simply have a meeting or a teaching session. He wants the truth to come to us in ways that facilitate our moving into more of the experience of the abundant life, the (Zoe) quality of life possessed by the Lord Jesus and offered freely to His followers. He is always leading us into application. So often I hear people argue about their vague, ego-driven interpretations of the Word of God with no discussion of how that concept could be applied, and then justify their position as something of a revelation of the Holy Spirit. I usually experience an inward sadness. The Holy Spirit has no interest in abstract ideas or philosophical positions. He is the Spirit of Life. He is empowering and leading us into the application of truth that facilitates the life of God! When a teacher can’t tell me how to apply their teaching in real life I doubt seriously that they have a revelation of the Spirit of Grace, Truth, and Holiness.
In addition to the leading of the Holy Spirit I so rejoiced at the transformation I was witnessing in those who attended the previous two conferences. The changes were more than evident in their behavior and their communication. But then, one-on-one, I heard so many incredible testimonies of how they had applied the truth they had learned previously. Some of the stories were so radical they were hard to believe but the change was evident in their lives.
One of the most interesting ways I have of understanding where people really are in their journey is by the questions they ask. When people ask foolish questions it is obvious they are not listening for application. When people ask questions because they want to know how it works in “real life,” you know you’re talking to a disciple. And I heard so many meaningful questions from the people in that group! It was wonderful.
Toward the end of the meeting the local church had all their people who had worked so diligently to put on this event stand up. Since we had many World Changers in attendance I had them all stand up to be acknowledged. And I shared with those in attendance, “The apostle Paul told the Church at Corinth that he robbed other churches to minister to them. In other words, it is the giving of others that makes it possible for me to come to you with the Gospel.” I explained “When we consider how much money it takes to keep our ministry functioning it is all but impossible that I will ever do a meeting where all those expenses are covered. But these World Changers make it possible for me to follow the leading of the Lord to go where people are hungry, not necessarily where I’ll get the best offering. Because of them I can be here presenting the Gospel to you.” There was such a warm response of appreciation to our World Changers for making it possible for this small community in Western Canada to receive this message.
We really are changing the way the world sees God… together! They appreciate you, I appreciate you, and one day we will all stand before our Lord together and He will express His appreciation! Thank you very much. We are…
Servants Together,
Jim Richards