In any relationship confession and changing our mind is part of resolving conflict and growing the relationship.All through the Bible we are taught the positive value of confession and repentance. Unfortunately, religion has made some twisted doctrines and negative rituals out of what is actually pretty simple. If I confess anything, good or bad, I am simply taking ownership of it. If it is something bad or destructive I confess it and repent, which simply means I change my mind! It is the biblical process for moving out of destructive beliefs and behaviors and moving into a more godly and powerful life!

In any relationship confession and changing our mind is part of resolving conflict and growing the relationship. If our involvement with God is doctrinal we have no reason to guard the relationship. But if it’s relational we always seek to protect our heart and God’s heart from the pain of our destructive living. JOIN ME this week and let’s dive deeper into how to move past a doctrinal arrangement to a loving relationship!